The Business Master (4th Edition)
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T h e A u r o r a E d i t o r U s e r ' s G u i d e
The Aurora Editor User's Guide
Version 1.20, January 1994
Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Aurora Terra, Inc.
Aurora Terra, Inc.
P.O. Box 34275
Bethesda, MD. 20827-0275 USA
301-468-2255 (Voice)
301-230-1214 (BBS 14,400 V.32bis)
The Aurora Editor is Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Editor/386 is Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Macro Language is Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Aurora Terra, Inc.
No parts of The Aurora Editor software or this document may be copied
in part or in whole, except as provided by the License in the
following pages.
This version of The Aurora Editor is NOT public domain or free
software, but is distributed as "shareware" for evaluation purposes
only. Please refer to the license information in the following pages.
The Aurora Editor is a trademark of Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Editor/386 is a trademark of Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Macro Language is a trademark of Aurora Terra, Inc.
Other product names found throughout this document are trademarks of
various companies.
License ii
Copyright and Proprietary Rights
The Aurora Editor software is owned by Aurora Terra, Inc. and is
protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty
provisions. The Aurora Editor software contains valuable trade secrets
proprietary to Aurora Terra, Inc. You may not disassemble, decompile,
reverse engineer, or create any derivative works of the software for
any purpose other than making an adaptation to the software as a
normal step in configuring it for your own personal use.
License and Restrictions
Aurora Terra grants individuals a limited license to use the shareware
version of The Aurora Editor for an evaluation period of up to 30 days
in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of The
Aurora Editor, or use past the 30 day trial period requires the
individual to purchase a license from Aurora Terra.
The Aurora Editor is not "public domain" or "free" software. If you
use it beyond the 30-day trial you MUST purchase a license.
All users are granted a limited license to copy the shareware version
of The Aurora Editor for the sole purpose of allowing others to try
it, subject to the above as well as the following restrictions:
- The Aurora Editor must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form
in its entirety, including all file names, program code,
documentation, and any related files. No other programs or files may
be included. The files may be distributed in a compressed or library
- The Aurora Editor may not be included in combination with any other
software or hardware product as an enticement or for any other
reason, without special permission from Aurora Terra.
- No fee or payment may be charged or accepted for The Aurora Editor.
Electronic bulletin board system operators (sysops) are encouraged
post the shareware version of The Aurora Editor on their BBS for
downloading by their users, but only if the above conditions are met
and no special fee is charged to access The Aurora Editor files (a
general fee may be charged to access the BBS).
Special restrictions apply to Disk Vendors and Retailers. For further
details, see VENDOR.DOC.
Warranty iii
Non-profit User Groups may distribute the shareware version of The
Aurora Editor provided the above conditions are met. These User Groups
may charge a nominal fee to cover the cost of the disk and copying of
the software.
Warranty Disclaimer
Aurora Terra makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software and
accompanying documentation.
I-1 Ordering Information
Purchasing a license for (or registering) The Aurora Editor, allows
you to use the product beyond the 30-day trial period. With your
registration, you will receive the complete licensed version of The
Aurora Editor with all the latest enhancements.
Registration also entitles you to free lifetime technical support,
free and discounted upgrades, priority notification on major new
updates and releases, and access to registered user area of the
Aurora Support BBS at 301-230-1214 <8,N,1>.
Registration costs just $44.95 plus $2 shipping ($4 overseas). For a
printed bound manual, add $10.00 plus $2 extra shipping ($5 overseas).
Maryland residents add 5% sales tax. Please register now, and help us
continue to make high quality software available to you at a low cost.
Discounts are available for BBS sysops, educational institutions,
full-time students, US government agencies, and approved user groups.
We also offer quantity discounts and site (multi-user) licensing.
Please call or write for more information.
Ordering iv
For Checks, Money Orders, or Corporate Purchase Orders:
Please Send Check, Money Order, or Corporate Purchase Order to:
Aurora Terra, P.O. Box 34275, Bethesda, MD. 20827-0275. Checks must
be drawn on a US bank and payable in US dollars.
For Credit Card Orders only:
You can order The Aurora Editor with VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, or
Discover from Public (software) Library by calling 800-2424-PsL or
713-524-6394, or by FAX to 713-524-6398, or Compuserve Email to
71355,470. Please specify item #10917. You can also mail credit card
orders to PsL at P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705 USA.
For questions about registration, product details, technical support,
discounts, or other inquiries, call Aurora Terra at 301-468-2255, or
write to: Aurora Terra, P.O. Box 34275, Bethesda, MD. 20827-0275, or
Compuserve Email to: 71702,1025 (internet:71702.1025@compuserve.com).
The Aurora Support BBS is also available 24hrs/day at 301-230-1214 at
speeds up to 14,400 bps.
You can use the following convenient order form if you wish:
Order Form v
| |
| Aurora Terra, please send me: Item #10917 |
| |
| |
| The Aurora Editor v1.20 ........................... $44.95 $______ |
| |
| Printed Bound Manual ................................. $10 $______ |
| |
| Shipping (US/Canada/Mexico) ......... $2 (with manual $4) |
| (Overseas) ................. $4 (with manual $9) $______ |
| |
| Subtotal 1 $______ |
| |
| x Quantity ______ |
| |
| Subtotal 2 $______ |
| |
| Maryland residents please add 5% Sales Tax ............... $______ |
| |
| Disk Type: ( ) 5.25" ( ) 3.5" TOTAL $______ |
| |
| |
| Name: _____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| Company (if company address): _____________________________________ |
| |
| Address: __________________________________________________________ |
| |
| __________________________________________________________ |
| |
| __________________________________________________________ |
| |
| Phone (day): __________________ Phone (Evening): ________________ |
| |
| |
| Payment by: ( ) Check/Money Order ( ) PO#_______________ (attach) |
| ( ) VISA ( ) MC ( ) AMEX ( ) DISCOVER |
| |
| |
| For Credit Card FAX or EMail Orders only: |
| |
| Card #______________________________________ Exp. Date:__________ |
| |
| Cardholder name:_________________________________________________ |
| |
| Signature:_______________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Prices are subject to change without notice. Call to confirm. |
| |
Table of Contents vi
Table of Contents
I-1. Ordering Information..........................................iii
I-2. Acknowledgements.............................................viii
I-3. Introduction...................................................ix
I-4. Features........................................................x
I-5. Hardware and Software Requirements.............................xi
I-6. Installation..................................................xii
I-7. The Documentation............................................xiii
1-1. Getting Started.................................................1
2-1. Windows.........................................................2
2-2. Learning to use the Windows.....................................3
2-3. Panning the Screen..............................................6
2-4. Window Styles...................................................6
2-4. Window Styles...................................................6
2-5. Video Modes.....................................................7
2-6. Prompts.........................................................7
3-1. Using the Menus................................................10
4-1. The Status Line................................................12
5-1. Creating and Loading Files.....................................13
5-2. Saving and Discarding Files....................................15
5-3. Other File Commands............................................18
6-1. Finding Your Way Around........................................20
6-2. Scrolling......................................................25
6-3. Modifying Text.................................................26
6-4. Undo and Redo..................................................31
7-1. OS Commands....................................................32
8-1. Using Marked Blocks............................................34
9-1. The Clipboard..................................................40
10-1. Folding Text..................................................42
11-1. Search and Replace............................................44
12-1. Printing......................................................50
13-1. Window Settings...............................................52
13-2. Global Settings...............................................55
Table of Contents vii
14-1. Key Macros....................................................59
15-1. Other Commands................................................61
15-2. Miscellaneous Library Functions...............................62
16-1. The File Manager..............................................66
16-2. Creating a File Manager Window................................67
16-3. Changing the Directory Listing in a File Manager Window.......68
16-4. File Manager Commands.........................................68
16-5. Marking Files in the File Manager.............................71
16-6. File Manager Sorting..........................................73
17-1. Configuration.................................................73
17-2. Configuration - Video.........................................73
17-3. Configuration - Mouse.........................................74
17-4. Configuration - Word Processing...............................75
17-5. Configuration - Default File Extensions.......................76
17-6. Configuration - Open Options..................................77
17-7. Configuration - Save Options..................................79
17-8. Configuration - Editing Preferences...........................79
17-9. Configuration - Window Preferences............................86
17-10. Configuration - Print Settings...............................87
17-11. Configuration - Desktop Options..............................90
17-12. Configuration - Memory Options...............................91
17-13. Configuration - Other Options................................92
17-14. Configuration - Character Sets...............................93
17-15. Configuration - Text Translation.............................94
17-16. Configuration - Confirmations................................94
17-17. Configuration - Colors.......................................94
17-18. Configuration - Borders......................................95
18-1. Redefining the Keyboard.......................................97
18-2. Key Function Names............................................98
18-3. Defining Compound Keys.......................................100
18-4. Mouse Function Names.........................................101
18-5. Defining Menus...............................................101
18-6. The Tool Bar.................................................103
18-7. Text Translation.............................................105
A-1. Command Line Options..........................................107
B-2. Performance Tips..............................................108
Acknowledgements viii
I-2 Acknowledgements
Aurora has taken several years and thousands of hours to develop. Many
have contributed to this effort, but the following people deserve
special thanks:
Stu Russell, for his endless patience and words of encouragement over
the years.
Guy Rouillier, for his valuable support, suggestions, and advice.
Jerry Cain, an "Aurora Activist" and sysop of The Edge of Forever BBS,
for his boundless enthusiasm and help in promoting this program.
Introduction ix
I-3 Introduction
The Aurora Editor is a powerful and beautiful general-purpose text
editor for IBMPC and compatible computers. Although The Aurora Editor
is primarily oriented toward editing text files, program source, and
binary files, it can also be easily used for Word Processing and File
Management tasks. The evaluation copy is fully functional.
Many people who use computers spend a large portion of their time in a
text editor. A text editor should be an attractive and fun place to
be. It should be fast, flexible, and intuitive, with the power to
provide almost any editing function needed. Limits should seldom be a
concern. It should "feel good" to be there. The Aurora Editor was
designed with all these goals in mind.
The Aurora Editor is programmed in it's own macro language - "The
Aurora Macro Language". The Aurora Macro Language is an object
oriented, event-driven language that is very simple in syntax, yet
powerful in function. Both the macro language compiler and interpreter
are available as functions within the macro language itself. The
Aurora Macro Language can provide great flexibility in configuring the
editor to suit your needs.
In its current form, The Aurora Editor is a very powerful and
sophisticated product. But it doesn't end there. The Aurora Editor is
an ongoing project and will continue to be enhanced in many important
and exciting new ways. Registering now entitles you to free upgrades,
and priority access to major releases.
I-4 Features
These are just some of the outstanding features of The Aurora Editor:
- High Performance! The screen, windows, file loading and saving, and
searching are all very fast.
- Superb text mode windowing! Fast, beautiful, and seamless. Combines
the usability of graphical user interfaces with the speed of text
mode. Many different window styles. Edit any number of files. Edit
the same file in multiple windows, or different files in the same
window. Includes a 64k x 64k Virtual Screen!
- Edits multiple files of virtually any size. A very fast, huge ONE
GIGABYTE paged virtual memory will satisfy even the most power
hungry user. Automatically uses XMS and EMS memory for even faster
editing of large files.
Features x
- A built-in sophisticated object-oriented macro language, "The Aurora
Macro Language", allows unparalleled flexibility in extending and
configuring the editor to your own preferences.
- "The Aurora Editor/386", an even faster (and smaller) 386 version of
The Aurora Editor, is provided for users with 386 or greater
- Full mouse support for moving and resizing windows, working with
menus and dialog boxes, scrolling, marking text, etc.
- Includes an integrated multi-instance programmable File Manager. You
can perform most file management tasks without ever leaving the
- Unlimited multi-level Undo/Redo of almost all editing operations.
- Nested Text Folding, a rare and useful feature.
- Maximum line length of 16000.
- Supports binary viewing and editing using any line length up to
- Supports any 1 or 2 character line delimiters (CR, CRLF, LF, and
- Executes DOS commands and programs from within the editor. The
editor shrinks down to only 1.2K.
- User-definable menus, tool bar, keyboard, window appearances, and
editing preferences.
- Tailored prompts. Includes Dialog boxes for first-time users, and
single-line command prompts for experienced users.
- User-definable Text Translation automatically expands abbreviations
and corrects typos as you enter characters into your text.
- Grep-type file scan
- Unlimited Bookmarks
- Compiler support for Microsoft C, Borland C, and Turbo Pascal. Jump
instantly to compiler errors in your source code.
- Prompt History
- Automatically remembers previous windows positions, cursor positions,
and desktop on exit. A real time saver.
- A full set of Block commands
Requirements xi
- Unlimited number of Clipboards
- Formatted Printing with Headers, Footers, Page Numbers and Line
- Online Help
- Keyboard Macros
- Word wrap, AutoIndent, and Paragraph Text Reflow
- Multiple default file extensions
- Many other features: multiple video modes, line-drawing, ascii
chart, highlighting of modified lines, and much more!
I-5 Hardware and Software Requirements
To use The Aurora Editor you will need an IBMPC or compatible computer
with at least the following:
- 512 kilobytes of memory
- at least 600 kilobytes of hard disk space
- a diskette drive
- A color or monochrome monitor
- DOS 3.1 or greater
- The Aurora Editor v1.20
A 286 or above processor is recommended.
I-6 Installation
Before using or installing The Aurora Editor, it is very important
that you take a moment to backup all of the distributed files. If you
do not backup, there will be no way to restore the original
configuration files if you modify them.
To install The Aurora Editor, just copy the files from the
distribution diskette(s) to the drive and directory of your choice,
and uncompress them if they are compressed. Add this directory to your
DOS 'PATH' for easier access to The Aurora Editor.
Installation xii
The following files are distributed with The Aurora Editor:
Executable Files:
A.EXE - The Aurora Editor (Macro Language Interpreter/Compiler)
A3.EXE - The Aurora Editor/386 (Macro Language Interpreter/Compiler)
A.X - compiled macro code for The Aurora Editor
Macro Source and Libraries:
A.A - the main macro source file for The Aurora Editor
ACFG.A - configuration settings (included by A.A)
AKBD.A - keyboard and mouse definitions (included by A.A)
AMEN.A - menu definitions (included by A.A)
ATRN.A - text translation definition table & macros
ALIB.X - compiled macro library code (included by A.A)
A.DOC - The Aurora Editor Users Guide (this document)
AML.DOC - The Aurora Macro Language Guide
AREF.DOC - The Aurora Editor Quick Reference
READ.ME - New features and other information
I-7 The Documentation
This is "The Aurora Editor Users Guide". It provides basic information
on how to install, configure, and use The Aurora Editor. For complete
documentation on The Aurora Macro Language, see "The Aurora Macro
Language Guide" (AML.DOC).
If you are viewing this document with The Aurora Editor, you can use
the "Help" pull-down menu <F1> to jump quickly to any topic in the
document. You can print this document using the DOS "print" command.
Aurora is a highly configurable editor. Please note that most key and
mouse definitions, menu definitions, and configuration settings used
in this documentation are installation defaults. You can customize
most of these definitions and settings to according to your own
The File ALIB.X contains many compiled editor commands written in The
Aurora Macro Language. These editor commands are referred to as
"library functions", and can be used in the Keyboard Definitions file
AKBD.A, the Menu Definitions file AMEN.A, the Text Translation
definitions file ATRN.A, and the Macro Command prompt. All library
functions are generally available for use within The Aurora Macro
Language. This documentation explains each of these library functions
as "editor commands".
Documentation xiii
Editor commands are generally listed in the following format
throughout the User's Guide:
- command "Menu Description" <key definition>
For example, the command to display the "open" prompt is listed as:
- askopen "Open.." <Alt-E>
In some cases, command parameters may be included as part of the
command. Some commands do not have default key assignments at
installation time. For these commands, the "<key definition>" is
omitted. Also, some commands are not (by default) on the menus. For
these commands the "Menu Description" is omitted.
Note that only "library" functions (editor commands) are documented
here in The Aurora Editor User's Guide. Library functions are built up
from lower-level macros and native functions in the Aurora Macro
Language and are usually all that is required for most editing tasks.
For documentation on macro language native functions, see "The Aurora
Macro Language Guide".
Getting Started 1
1-1 Getting Started
To start The Aurora Editor, just type "A" at the DOS command prompt.
If you have computer with a 386 or greater processor, you can start
The Aurora Editor/386 by typing "A3" at the DOS command prompt.
Note: If you prefer to start The Aurora Editor or The Aurora
Editor/386 by other names, you can rename the files A.EXE and A3.EXE
to whatever you wish (such as "E.EXE"). Make sure you keep the
".EXE" extension. Do not rename any other files distributed with The
Aurora Editor. All distributed files must be in the same directory.
If this is the first time you are using Aurora, a File Manager window
will be displayed showing all files in the current directory. To edit
a file, just use the cursor keys to position the highlighted bar over
a file and then press <Enter>. An Edit window will be displayed
showing the contents of the file.
You can bypass the File Manager by entering a filename after the "A"
or "A3" command at the DOS prompt. For example:
C>a newfile.txt
When the Edit window is displayed, you are ready to begin editing. You
can now use the cursor movement keys, the <PgUp>, <PgDn>, <Home>, and
<End> keys, and the mouse (if available) to move through the text. You
can press <Esc> to activate the pull-down menu system and explore the
features of The Aurora Editor.
If you need on-line help at any time, just press <F1> to display the
"Help" pull-down menu.
Exiting The Aurora Editor
To exit The Aurora Editor, keep pressing <Alt-Q> to close each window
you have opened. You can also close each window by clicking the left
mouse button on the "close" icon (≡) in the upper left corner of the
window, or by selecting "Close" from the "File" pull-down menu. If you
have not saved any changes, you will be prompted to save them.
A quicker way to exit is to press <Alt-X>, or select "Close All" from
the File pull-down menu. This will automatically close all windows.
Again, you may be prompted to save any changes.
Windows 2
2-1 Windows
The Aurora Editor provides a beautiful, intuitive windowing
environment that works well for both first-time and experienced users.
Windows are used to edit files, operate the File Manager, and display
prompts and dialog boxes. All windowing functions can be operated by
using the menus, the mouse, or user-defined function keys.
A window in The Aurora Editor looks and behaves much like an
application window in Microsoft Windows, which allows for quick and
easy operation by most first-time users. When you become more familiar
with The Aurora Editor, you can even configure the window layout to
your own preferences (see "Window Styles" 2-4). Each window has a
"client area" (the main display area), and optional title bars, menus,
tool bars, scroll bars, and borders. The following is a sample Edit
Close Icon North Title Bar Status Line Tool Bar ─┐
│ │ │ │
│ North Title │ Menu Bar │ Min/Max/Restore Icons │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
▒▒▒│▒▒░░░░░░│░░░░░░░░░░│░░░░░░░░│░░░░░░░░░░│░░░░░░░░░░░░│▒▒▒▒▒ │
▒▒ ≡ C:\DOC\NEWDOC.TXT ┴ * [20]│ C 12 L 153 of 321 └ ▒▒ │
▒▒ File Window Block Search Fold Edit Clip Print Set▒▒ │
░░ <≡> <?> <*> </> <-> <|> <o> <s> <F> <f> <r> ──────────┘
░░ ░░
░░ This is the Edit window client area ▒───┐
░░ ■░░ │
░░ ▒░░ │
░░ ░░ │
▒▒▒▒▒■▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ │
▒▒ ┬ │ ┌─ Aurora v1.20 ▒▒ │
▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│░░░░░░░░░░│░░░│░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
Corner │ South Title Bar │ South Title │
│ │ │
Border Horz Scroll Bar Vert Scroll Bar
For Edit windows, the file you are editing is displayed in the client
area. File Manager windows are similar in appearance to Edit windows,
but the client area displays a listing of files and directories (see
"The File Manager" 16-1).
The Aurora Editor will allow any number of overlapping Edit windows
and File Manager windows to be arranged on top of each other in a
"messy desk" style on your screen.
Windows 3
2-2 Learning to use the Windows
Editor windows are easy to control with the mouse or the keyboard. You
can also execute most window commands from the "Window" pull-down on
the menu bar. The following are some important window commands:
- to "activate" a window with the mouse:
Using the mouse, you can click the left mouse button on any visible
portion of a window to bring the window to the top and make it the
current or "active" window.
- wlis "List.." <Alt-W>
This command displays a menu which lists all the Edit and File
Manager windows in your current session. To bring one of the
displayed windows to the top and make it the current window, use the
cursor keys to position the highlighted bar over the window name and
press <Enter>. You can also select the window from the list using
the left mouse button.
Note: the window list can also be displayed by double-clicking the
left mouse button on the screen background.
- quit %p "Close" <Alt-Q>
This command closes the current window and removes it from the
screen. If you are closing an Edit window and you have made changes
which have not been saved, The Aurora Editor will prompt you to save
them. You can also close a window by clicking the left mouse button
on the "close" icon (≡) in the upper left corner of the window.
If there is another window underneath the window you just closed,
that window will become the "current" window, otherwise you will
exit the editor.
- wquit %p <Ctrl-K-Q>
This command closes the current window. If the window is an Edit
window and the "OneWindow" configuration setting is OFF, this
command also closes the file in the window (see "Configuration -
Editing Preferences" 17-8).
- wnex "Next" <Ctrl-A>
This command cycles through the windows in a forward direction. The
bottom-most window is placed on top of the current window and
becomes the current window.
Windows 4
- wpre "Prev"
This command cycles through the windows in a reverse direction. The
window underneath the current window becomes the current window, and
the current window is moved underneath all other windows on the
Several commands can be used to move and resize windows:
- to move or resize a window with the mouse:
To move the window, position the mouse over the window's north or
south title bar and press the left mouse button. Then drag the
window to the new location and release the left mouse button.
To resize the window, position the mouse over one of the window
borders or corners and press the left mouse button. Then drag the
border or corner to the new location and release the left mouse
- wkey "Move/Size" <Ctrl-F5>
This command allows you to move and resize the current window using
the cursor keys. When this command is entered, the editor is placed
in "move/resize" mode, and the border of the current window is
highlighted to indicate that it is being moved or resized.
To move the window, just press the cursor keys until the window has
moved to the desired position, and then press <Enter> or <Esc> to
To resize the window, press the cursor keys while the <Shift> key is
pressed down. You can resize the left and bottom borders of the
window. Press <Enter> or <Esc> to stop.
- wmax "Maximize" <Ctrl-Z>
This command "maximizes" or resizes the current window to make it
fill the entire screen so that the borders are not visible. You can
also maximize a window with the mouse by clicking the left mouse
button on the "maximize" icon () in the upper right corner of the
window, or by double clicking on the north or south title bar.
- wmin "Minimize"
This command "minimizes" or resizes the current window so that only
the title bar displaying the file or directory name is visible.
Using the mouse, you can minimize a window by clicking the left
mouse button on the "minimize" icon () in the upper right corner of
the window.
Windows 5
- wres "Restore"
This command restores the size of a previously minimized or
maximized window. Using the mouse, you can restore the window by
clicking the left mouse button on the "restore" icon () in the
upper right corner of the window, or by double clicking on the north
or south title bar.
Several commands are available for arranging windows on the screen.
These commands operate on all non-minimized windows in the current
edit session.
- wcasc "Cascade" <Shift-F5>
This command will cascade all the windows on the screen.
- wtileh "Tile Horz" <Shift-F4>
This command will horizontally tile all the windows on the screen.
The "TileNum" configuration setting affects the way windows are
tiled (see "Configuration - Window Preferences" 17-9).
- wtilev "Tile Vert" <Shift-F3>
This command will vertically tile all the windows on the screen. The
"TileNum" configuration setting affects the way windows are tiled
(see "Configuration - Window Preferences" 17-9).
There are three commands that allow you to edit the same file in more
than one window. These commands work only in Edit windows:
- wcopy "Copy" <Ctrl-C>
This command copies the current Edit window and cascades it with the
original. The new window will edit the same file in memory as the
original window, and have the same size and cursor position.
- wspl %h "Split Horz" <Alt-H>
This command splits the current Edit window horizontally. The new
window will edit the same file in memory as the original window.
- wspl %v "Split Vert" <Alt-V>
This command splits the current Edit window vertically. The new
window will edit the same file in memory as the original window.
Panning 6
2-3 Panning the Screen
The physical screen that you see when you use The Aurora Editor is
only a small window into the "virtual" screen actually used by the
editor, in the same way that an Edit window can be a small window into
a much larger file. To The Aurora Editor, the actual screen size is
64k x 64k characters!
When the editor is initially loaded, the physical screen is located at
column 16000 and row 16000 of the virtual screen. You can adjust this
mapping of the physical screen to the virtual screen by using the
video "panning" commands:
- to "pan" using the mouse:
To pan the screen, position the mouse over the screen background and
press the left mouse button. Then just drag the entire screen to the
new location and release the left mouse button.
- wkey %p "Pan" <Ctrl-F6>
This command places the editor in "pan" mode, and allows you to pan
through the virtual screen using the cursor keys, When you have
panned to desired location, press <Enter> or <Esc> to stop.
2-4 Window Styles
You can easily configure the appearance of Edit windows and File
Manager windows to suit your own preferences (see the configuration
settings for "Window Preferences" 17-9). You can control whether or
not windows will have permanent Menu Bars, Tool Bars, Scroll Bars, and
Title Bars. You can also configure the location of the window Title,
Status Line, and Control Icons.
The following command on the "Window" pulldown menu can be used to
change Edit window styles within an edit session:
- winsty "Style Toggle" <Ctrl-F7>
This command toggles through about 13 "common" Edit window styles.
When this command is entered, the styles of all open Edit windows
are changed immediately. You can use the "setsav" command to save
the current Edit window style ("Save Current Settings" on the "Set"
pull-down menu).
Note: this command only changes the style of Edit windows, not File
Manager windows.
Video Modes 7
2-5 Video Modes
The video mode used by The Aurora Editor can be changed during an
editing session from the "Set" pulldown menu under the "Video Mode"
submenu. You can choose from the following video modes:
- 80 cols x 14 rows (vga only)
- 80 cols x 21 rows (vga only)
- 80 cols x 25 rows
- 80 cols x 28 rows (vga only)
- 80 cols x 43 rows (ega & vga only)
- 80 cols x 50 rows (vga only)
- 40 cols x 25 rows
You can also use the following commands to change the video mode:
- vfont %t "Video Toggle" <Ctrl-F1>
This command toggles back and forth between the 80 x 25 video mode
and the 80 x 50 video mode.
- vfont [columns] [rows]
This command sets the number of columns and rows displayed on the
video screen. Acceptable values for [columns] are 40 and 80.
Acceptable values for rows are: 12, 14, 21, 25, 28, 43, and 50.
Using the "VidCols" and "VidRows" configuration settings, you can set
the default video mode to use when the editor is initially loaded (see
"Configuration - Video" 17-2).
Note: The Aurora Editor will also work in other "special" video modes
supported by your video card (such as 132 x 43). To use these modes,
You must set "VidCols" and "VidRows" to zero, and then set the video
mode before starting the editor (see the documentation for your video
card). A special mouse driver may also be required to use the mouse
properly in some of these modes.
2-6 Prompts
A Prompt is a special type of window through which you can enter
information requested by The Aurora Editor. Individual prompts can be
Prompts 8
tailored by the user to appear as dialog boxes, one-line boxes, or
command line prompts. By default, all prompts are tailored to appear
as one-line boxes at installation. More experienced users may prefer
to tailor some or all editor prompts as command lines for their small
size, and less experienced users may prefer dialog boxes (see the
"Prompts" configuration setting in "Configuration - Editing
Preferences" 17-8).
The follow section describes the available prompt types:
Dialog boxes:
If a prompt window is tailored to appear as a dialog box, the window
client area may contain edit fields, buttons, and check boxes. You
can use the mouse or the <Tab> and <Shift-Tab> keys to move back and
forth between the edit fields, buttons, and check boxes. Like Edit
windows and File Manager windows, dialog boxes can be moved anywhere
on the screen by using the mouse or keyboard.
One-line boxes:
If the prompt window is tailored to appear as a one-line box, it
will occupy 3 lines on the screen (2 border lines and 1 command
line), and will appear immediately above or below the current cursor
position. You can use the mouse or the keyboard to move the one-line
box anywhere on the screen. Pressing <Esc> or clicking the left
mouse button on the prompt description will close the one-line box.
Command lines:
If the prompt window is tailored to appear as a command line, it
will occupy only one line on the screen. It will be displayed
immediately below (or above) the title bar displaying the file or
directory name. The entire area within the window will be visible.
Pressing <Esc> or clicking the left mouse button on the prompt
description will close the command line prompt.
The following command on the Edit window "Window" pull-down menu can
be used to globally change the prompt type from within the editor:
- wppt "Prompt Toggle"
This command toggles the prompt type (for all prompts) between
Dialog boxes, One-line boxes, and Command lines. The change is
effective immediately. Note that this command changes all prompts.
To tailor individual prompts, see the "Prompts" configuration
setting ("Configuration - Editing Preferences" 17-8).
Prompts 9
Prompt history is available in some prompts. The following commands
can be used to retrieve prompt history in any type of prompt:
- wrtv %p <cursorup>
This command retrieves the previous item in the prompt history.
- wrtv %n <cursordown>
This command retrieves the next item in the prompt history.
You can also retrieve prompt history by clicking the left and right
mouse buttons on the history tab () at the far right of the prompt.
If the "SaveHis" configuration setting is ON, the prompt history for
all prompts is saved in the file A.HIS when you exit the editor and
restored when you re-enter (see "Configuration - Desktop Options"
Prompt history is available in following prompts:
- File prompts (Open, Open and Insert, Open Binary, Rename, Save As,
Block Save, Load Key Macros, Save Key Macros, Run Macro, Include
Macro, Compile Macro)
- Search Prompts (Find, Replace, Scan, Place Bookmark, Go to
- OS Command and Capture prompts
- Macro Command prompt
Using the Menus 10
3-1 Using the Menus
Both Edit windows and File Manager windows have an easy-to-use menu
bar with "pull-down" menus. The pull-down menus allow easy access to
many of The Aurora Editor's commands, and also show the key
definitions for most editor commands. They can be especially helpful when
exploring or learning to use the editor.
This diagram illustrates the menu bar and a pull-down menu:
│ File Window Block Search Fold Edit Clip Print Set Macro Help │
│ │ │ Print Ctrl-P │
Menu Bar ───┘ │ Pull Down Menu ──────┤ Print Block Alt-P │
Menu Bar Item ─┘ Menu Item ───────────┼─Print Formfeed │
│ Print Settings.. │
The following commands allow you to access the menu bar and pull-down
- using the mouse:
Click the left mouse button on a menu bar item to display it's
pull-down menu. If you have configured the menu bar to be invisible
(see the "EditStyle" and "FmgrStyle" configuration variables 17-9),
you can click the right mouse button in the window client area to
make the menu bar visible and display the most recently used
pull-down menu.
Once the pull-down menu is displayed, click the left mouse button on
the desired menu item to remove the pull-down menu and execute the
editor command for that item.
- menb <Esc>, <F10>
This command highlights the most recently selected menu bar item.
You can then use the cursor left and right keys to change the
highlighted item. Once you are on the menu bar, you can display any
pull-down menu by typing in the menu bar item's highlighted
character. When the desired menu bar item is highlighted, press
<Enter> to display the pull-down menu. Pressing <Esc> will exit the
menu bar.
Using the Menus 11
- men <Alt-F10>
This command displays the most recently used pull-down menu. You can
then use the cursor left and right keys to display the previous and
next pull-down menu on the menu bar. Use the cursor up and down keys
to move the highlight bar on the pull-down menu to the desired menu
command and press <Enter> to execute it. You can also execute the
menu command by typing in the highlighted character of the menu
item, or by entering the function key (if any) associated with the
menu item. Pressing <Esc> from the pull-down menu will return you to
the menu bar.
Four additional keys can be used within pull-down menus:
- <Home> and <PgUp> move the cursor to the first menu item.
- <End> and <PgDn> move the cursor to the last menu item.
- men2 <Alt-T>, (and <Tab> on File Manager windows)
This command highlights the first tool bar control on the Edit
window tool bar (if present) or the first drive on the File Manager
window drive menu bar. After this command is entered, you can use
the <Tab>, <Shift-Tab>, <cursorleft>, and <cursorright> keys to move
to other tool bar controls or drives. Pressing the <Enter> key will
execute the tool bar control (or display the drive contents).
Pressing <Esc> will remove the highlight and return the focus back
to the Edit window or File Manager window.
- menh <F1>
This command displays the help menu.
If you wish, you can customize the whole menu system according to your
own preferences by changing existing pull-downs, adding new pull-
downs, etc (see "Defining the Menus" 18-5). You can also customize the
tool bar to execute your most often-used commands (see "The Tool Bar"
You can configure The Aurora Editor so that the menu bar is normally
invisible and only displayed when the "menb" <Esc>,<F10> or "men"
<Alt-F10> commands are entered, or when the right mouse button is
pressed in the window client area. This will free up an extra line in
the window for editing while still allowing you to use the menu system
(see the "EditStyle" and "FmgrStyle" configuration settings 17-9).
When you become more experienced with The Aurora Editor, you may
prefer to use function keys to execute commands instead of selecting
them from the menus. If you define your own functions keys, you will
probably also want to change the menu pull-down definitions to show
the new key assignments (see "Defining the Menus" 18-5).
The Status Line 12
4-1 The Edit Window Status Line
By default, the Edit window status line is displayed in the north
title bar at the upper right corner of the Edit window. Note that the
location of the status line can be configured to be on the north or
south title bar and can be right justified, left justified, or
centered within the title bar (see the "EditStatus" configuration
setting 17-9).
The status line displays information about the file in an Edit window.
The following is a sample status line:
│ SVTWAMBDIR* [20] C 12 L 153 of 321 │
│││││││││││ │ │ │ │
│││││││││││ │ │ │ └─> total lines in the file
│││││││││││ │ │ └───────> line number of the cursor
│││││││││││ │ └────────────> column number of the cursor
│││││││││││ └─────────────────> hex value of the char at the cursor
││││││││││└──────────────────> '*' indicates file is modified
│││││││││└─────────────────> 'R' indicates Record Mode is ON
││││││││└────────────────> 'I' indicates Insert Mode is ON
│││││││└───────────────> 'D' indicates Line Draw is ON
││││││└──────────────> 'B' indicates Backup is ON
│││││└─────────────> 'M' indicates Match Character is ON
││││└────────────> 'A' indicates AutoIndent is ON
│││└───────────> 'W' indicates Word Wrap is ON
││└──────────> 'T' indicates Text Translation is ON
│└─────────> 'V' indicates Variable Tabs is ON
└────────> 'S' indicates Smart Tabs is ON
(For more information on Record Mode, Insert Mode, DrawMode, Backup,
Match Character, AutoIndent, WordWrap, Text Translation, Variable
Tabs, and Smart Tabs, see "Window Settings" 13-1).
Creating and Loading Files 13
5-1 Creating and Loading Files
The Aurora Editor can simultaneously edit almost any number of files,
each of virtually any size (the virtual memory size of The Aurora
Editor is 1 gigabyte). Each file can be displayed and edited in one or
more windows.
There are several commands to edit new or existing files:
- from the command line:
After entering "A" or "A3" on the DOS command line, enter any number
of new or existing files. For example:
C>a myfile.c new.doc *.h <Enter>
For each file specified, an Edit window will be created. If the file
exists, it will be loaded into the Edit window. If the specified
name contains wildcards (* or ?), or specifies a drive or directory,
then a File Manager window will be created which lists all files and
directories that match the file specification.
- from a File Manager window:
You can select files to edit from the directory listing in a File
Manager window. The File Manager also has other commands which allow
you manipulate files on disk (see "The File Manager" 16-1).
- newf "New" <Ctrl-N>
This command creates a new Edit window with the filename "NEW.TXT".
The new Edit window will contain one blank line.
- askopen "Open.." <Alt-E>
This command prompts you for a filename to open. You may enter a new
or existing filename to create an Edit window for the filename, or
you may enter a directory name or a wildcard specification to create
a File Manager Window. If you press <Enter> at the prompt without
entering anything, a File Manager window will be created for the
current directory.
You can specify "open options" after the filename or directory name
by entering a "/" character and any of the following options:
Creating and Loading Files 14
i - include the file or directory listing after the cursor in the
current window
b - load the file in "binary" mode (see the "askopenb" command
below). The binary line length can be specified after this
option (if not specified, then the "BinaryLength"
configuration setting is used). This option is ignored when
entering a directory or wildcard specification.
z - maximize the new window
n - minimize the new window
c - new windows are the same size as the topmost window and are
cascaded to bottom and left of the topmost window.
e - load the file into the current edit window without discarding
the existing file in the edit window. This option is added
automatically if the "OneWindow" configuration setting is ON
(see "Configuration - Editing Preferences" 17-8).
l - enter a line number after the "l" option to position the
cursor at the specified line number
Note: open options can also be specified when loading files from
the DOS command line.
For example, entering "c:\doc\test.dat/zb32" at the "askopen" prompt
will the open the file "c:\doc\test.dat" in binary mode (with a line
length of 32) and display it in a maximized window.
Entering "c:\doc\test.dat/l689" opens "c:\doc\test.dat" and places
the cursor on line number 689.
Note that prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts"
- askopenb "Open Binary.."
This command works like askopen, except that if a file is specified,
it is opened in "binary" mode. When a file is opened in binary mode,
no characters in the file are interpreted as end-of-line delimiters.
The entire file is loaded "as is" into an Edit window. The length of
each line is the same (except for the last line), and is determined
by the "BinaryLength" configuration setting (see "Configuration -
Open Options" 17-6).
"Open options" can be specified in this prompt (see "askopen"
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
Creating and Loading Files 15
- openlast "Open Last" <Alt-Z>
This command re-opens the last Edit window or File Manager window
that you closed.
- open [filename or directory] [open options]
This command opens the filename or directory with the
specified open options (see the "askopen" command above for a description
of open options). No Prompts are displayed. For example:
open "c:\config.sys" %bc.
The command above loads the file "c:\config.sys" in binary mode in a
cascaded window.
- opena [filename]
This command opens the specified configuration file for The Aurora
Editor (ACFG.A, AKBD.A, AMEN.A, ATRN.A) without prompting. There is
no need to specify a path or extension. For example:
opena "akbd".
The command above loads The Aurora Editor keyboard definition file.
You can press the <Ctrl-Break> key to interrupt any of the above open
commands in progress.
Note that any files not loaded in binary mode will use the value of
the "LineDlm" configuration setting as the line delimiter string. The
default LineDlm setting is "0D0Ah" (carriage return and linefeed).
If the "SaveWin" configuration setting is ON and the file you are
opening was previously closed, The Aurora Editor will automatically
restore the window size, position, settings, and cursor position
exactly as they were before you closed the window (see "Configuration
- Desktop Options" 17-11).
5-2 Saving and Discarding Files
Several commands are available for discarding files and saving files
to disk:
- save "Save" <F3>
This command saves the file in the current Edit window to disk. If
the file was loaded or created as a "binary" file, it will be saved
"as is" with no line delimiter characters, otherwise each line will
be appended with the value of the "LineDlm" configuration setting
(see "Configuration - Open Options" 17-6).
Saving and Discarding Files 16
If the "Backup" setting is ON, any existing files with the same name
on disk will be backed-up (see "Window Settings" 13-1).
- asksaveas "Save As.."
This command prompts you for a filename, and then saves the file in
the current Edit window under that filename (just like the "save"
command above).
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- save [filename]
This command saves the file in the current Edit window under the
specified filename, without prompting.
- quit %p
This command closes the current window and removes it from the
screen. The file displayed in the window is also closed. If changes
were made without saving, you will be prompted to save them.
If the "SaveWin" configuration setting is ON, The Aurora Editor will
save the window size, position, settings, and cursor position. When
the file is edited again, the editor will automatically restore the
window size, position, settings, and cursor position exactly as they
were before you closed the window.
- gquit %p "Close All" <Alt-X>
This command closes all windows and files in the current edit
session and exits the editor. If changes were made to any file
without saving, you will be prompted to save them.
If the "SaveHis" configuration setting is ON and the "BootOpt"
configuration setting is "d" (desktop), The Aurora Editor will save
the window size, position, settings, and cursor position for the
windows in current edit session (i.e. the "desktop"). If you then
re-enter the editor without specifying a filename after the "A" or
"A3" command at the DOS prompt, the desktop will automatically be
restored, with all windows present as they were when you left the
- quit %f
This command saves the file in the current Edit window (like the
"save" command above), and then closes the file and the window.
- gquit %f "Save and Close All"
This command saves the files in all open Edit windows and exits the
Saving and Discarding Files 17
The effects of the following commands depend on the value of the
"OneWindow" configuration setting (see "Configuration - Editing
Preferences 17-8).
- wquit %p <Ctrl-K-Q>
If the configuration setting "OneWindow" is OFF, this command closes
both the current window and the file displayed in the window
(identical to the "quit %p" command above).
If "OneWindow" is ON, this command closes the current window without
closing the file displayed in the window.
- fquit %p "Close" <Alt-Q>
If the configuration setting "OneWindow" is OFF, this command closes
both the current window and the file displayed in the window
(identical to the "quit %p" command above).
If "OneWindow" is ON, this command closes the file in an Edit window
without closing the Edit window. The previous open file is displayed
in the Edit window.
- fquit %f "Save and Close" <Ctrl-X>
If the configuration setting "OneWindow" is OFF, this command saves
the file in the current Edit window, and then closes the file and
the window (identical to the "quit %f" command above).
If "OneWindow" is ON, this command saves and closes the file in an
Edit window without closing the Edit window. The previous open file
is displayed in the Edit window.
The following commands allow you edit more than one file per window:
- fnex "Next" <Ctrl-Del>
This command cycles through all open files in a forward direction
and displays them in the current Edit window.
- fpre "Prev" <Ctrl-Ins>
This command cycles through all open files in a reverse direction
and displays them in the current Edit window.
- flis "List.." <Alt-Hyphen>
This command displays a menu which lists all the open files in your
current edit session. To select a file for editing, use the cursor
keys to position the highlighted bar over the window name and press
<Enter>. You can also select a file from the list using the left
mouse button.
Other File Commands 18
If you select a file from the list, the selected file replaces the
existing file in the Edit window (without closing the existing
5-3 Other File Commands
Other useful "File" commands are also available:
- askopenins "Open and Insert.." <Alt-I>
This command prompts you for a filename, and then inserts the file
after the cursor in the current Edit window. You can also enter a
directory name, a name with wildcards (*, ?), or just <Enter> to
select a filename from a File Manager window.
"Open options" can be specified in this prompt (see the "askopen"
command 5-1).
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- wrdlod CSetB <Ctrl-]>
This command opens the filename at the cursor. "CSetB" is the
character set used to define a filename for this command (see
"Configuration - Character Sets" 17-14).
- refresh
This command refreshes the contents of the current window from disk.
- askname "Rename" <Alt-N>
This command prompts you for a filename, and then changes the name
of the current Edit window to the filename you entered. Note that
this command only renames the Edit window, not the file on disk (the
File Manager can rename a file or directory on disk, see "The File
Manager" 16-1).
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- name [filename]
This command changes the name of the current Edit window to the
specified filename, without prompting you for the filename.
- fmgr "File Manager.." <F4>
This command displays a File Manager window for the current
Other File Commands 19
- about "About.."
This command displays a dialog box showing the current version
number of The Aurora Editor, and the current date and time.
- hlp [major] [minor]
This command displays The Aurora Editor User's Guide (this
document), and positions the cursor at the section "[major] -
[minor]". For example, "hlp 5 3" displays help on this section
(see "Other File Commands").
- qref <Shift-F1>
This command displays The Aurora Editor Quick Reference (AREF.DOC)
Finding Your Way Around 20
6-1 Finding Your Way Around
Simple commands allow you to move the cursor in both Edit windows and
File Manager windows:
- left <cursorleft>
- right <cursorright>
- up <cursorup>
- down <cursordown>
Use the cursor commands (left, right, up, down) to move the cursor
one line or one column at a time. If you attempt to move the cursor
outside the window, the window will automatically scroll to display
the new line or column.
You can also move the cursor by clicking the left mouse button at
new cursor location.
- cptop <Ctrl-Home>
This command moves the cursor to the line at the top of the window
without scrolling or changing the cursor column.
- cpbot <Ctrl-End>
This command moves the cursor to the line at the bottom of the window
without scrolling or changing the cursor column.
- cmov @ 1 <Ctrl-PgUp>
This command moves the cursor to line 1 of the file or directory
listing without changing the column (scrolling if necessary).
- cmov @ (qtexend) <Ctrl-PgDn>
This command moves the cursor to the last line of the file or
directory listing without changing the column (scrolling if
Finding Your Way Around 21
- cmov [x] [y] [options]
This command moves the cursor to the location specified by [x], [y]
in the current window. The following [options] many be specified:
a - [x] and [y] specify absolute column and line positions
r - [x] and [y] are relative to the current cursor position
If no [options] are specified, the default is "a".
- clast <Ctrl-Hyphen>
This command moves the cursor to the previous cursor position,
scrolling if necessary. This command can be useful for moving back
and forth over large distances in an Edit window or File Manager
- ladj @ -1 <Keypad-5>
This command scrolls the text up or down so that the cursor is
placed at the center of the window, without moving the cursor from
the current line.
- ladj @ 1 <Ctrl-F9>
- ladj @ (qwinp @ %y1d) <Ctrl-F10>
These commands scroll the text so that the cursor is placed at the
top or bottom line of the window, without moving the cursor from the
current line.
The following commands move the cursor only in Edit windows:
- chome <Home>
This command moves the cursor to column one of the current line.
- ceol <End>
This command moves the cursor one column after the last non-blank
character of the current line.
- cwrd %l CSet <Ctrl-Left>
- cwrd %r CSet <Ctrl-Right>
These commands move the cursor to the first character of the
previous or next word. The configuration setting "CSet" is the
character set used to define a word for these commands (see
"Configuration - Character Sets" 17-14).
Finding Your Way Around 22
- askbset "Place Bookmark.."
This command allows you to place a location marker or "bookmark" at
the cursor position in the current Edit window. You can return to
the bookmark later using the "askbget" or "bget" commands (see
below). Bookmarks are automatically destroyed when the Edit window
(and all of it's copies) containing the bookmark are closed.
This command will prompt you to enter the name of the bookmark. Note
that bookmark names are global to all windows. The current cursor
position, window size and placement, and cursor insert mode are
saved with the bookmark. They are restored when you return to the
bookmark using the "askbget" or "bget" commands.
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- bset "Quick Bookmark" <Ctrl-2>
This command places a bookmark in the same way as the "askbset"
command above, except that you will not prompted to enter a bookmark
name. A bookmark name with the prefix "BOOK" is automatically
generated by the editor.
- bset [bookmark name]
This command will place a bookmark at the cursor position using the
specified bookmark name, without prompting.
- askbget "Go to Bookmark.."
This command prompts you to enter the name of a "bookmark" you have
previously placed using the "askbset" or "bset" commands. The cursor
will be moved to the "bookmark" cursor position, and the Edit window
will be sized and placed as it was when the "askbset" or "bset"
command was entered. If the bookmark is located in another Edit
window, that window will become the current window before returning
to the bookmark.
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- bget "Prev Bookmark" <Ctrl-6>
This command goes to the previous bookmark without prompting.
Entering this command repeatedly will cycle through all existing
bookmarks in all windows.
- bget [bookmark name]
This command will go to the specified bookmark, without prompting.
Finding Your Way Around 23
- askglin "Go to Line.." <Ctrl-J>
This command will prompt you for a line number, and then move the
cursor directly to the line you specified, scrolling if necessary.
The column position of the cursor is not changed.
- glin [line number]
This command will move the cursor to the specified line number,
without prompting.
- askgcol "Go to Column.."
This command will prompt you for a column number, and then move the
cursor directly to the column you specified, scrolling if necessary.
The cursor line is not changed.
- gcol [column number]
This command will move the cursor to the specified column number,
without prompting.
- mloc @ %t "Go to Block Start" <Ctrl-B>
- mloc @ %b "Go to Block End"
These commands move the cursor to the top or bottom of the current
marked block. If the marked block is in another Edit window, that
window will be made the "current" window before executing these
- cfld "Go to Next Fold" <Alt-7>
- cfld %r "Go to Prev Fold"
These commands move the cursor to the next or previous "top-level"
text fold in the current Edit window (see "Folding Text" 10-1).
- ctab <Tab>
- ctab %l <Shift-Tab>
These commands move the cursor to the next or previous tab stop. The
tab stop can be one of 3 types, depending on which Window Settings
are currently set ON, and the current cursor position (see "Window
Settings" 13-1):
Finding Your Way Around 24
- Interval Tabs
Interval Tabs are the default when the "Variable Tabs" and "Smart
Tabs" settings are turned OFF. The location of the tab stops are
defined by the "TabWidth" configuration setting. For example,
setting TabWidth to 8 will set tab stops at every 8th column
position (1, 9, 17, 25, etc).
- Variable Tabs
Variable Tabs are used when the "Variable Tabs" setting is ON and
the "Smart Tabs" setting is OFF. If Variable Tabs are set ON, the
cursor will move to the next preset tab position you have
specified in the "Tabs" configuration setting (see "Configuration
- Word Processing" 17-4).
- Smart Tabs
If the "SmartTabs" configuration setting is set ON, the cursor is
moved to the beginning of the next or previous word on the first
non-blank line before the current line. This can be useful for
aligning data with columns on the previous line.
- finm "Find Matching Char" <Alt-F3>
This command moves the cursor to the matching parenthesis (), brace
{}, square bracket [], or angled bracket <> for the character at the
cursor. If the character at the cursor is not one of these
characters, then the cursor is moved to the next parenthesis, brace,
or bracket, if one exists.
This command can be very useful for balancing expressions in
programming languages.
- finc "Go to Compiler Error" <Alt-F7>
This command can be used together with the "askoscap" <Alt-F8>
command ("OS Capture.." on the "Macro" pulldown menu) to aid in
running external compilers and locating compiler errors from within
The Aurora Editor.
Use the "askoscap" <Alt-F8> command ("OS Capture" on the "Macro"
pull-down menu) to enter the command you use to compile or build
your program. The "askoscap" command will run your compiler and
return the compiler output in an Edit window.
Finding Your Way Around 25
You can then use the "finc" <Alt-F7> command to locate compiler
errors. Just move cursor to the line containing the error
description in the compiler output, and enter the "finc" <Alt-F7>
command. The editor will automatically open the source file
containing the error, and place the cursor on the line where the
compiler error occurred.
Note: the only Microsoft C, Borland C, and Turbo Pascal compilers
are currently supported.
6-2 Scrolling
The following commands can be used to scroll through both Edit windows
and File Manager windows:
- using the mouse:
Use the vertical scroll bar for scrolling up or down, and the
horizontal scroll bar for scrolling left or right. To scroll by one
page, click the left mouse button on the portion of the scroll bar
between the scroll bar thumb and the scroll bar arrows. To scroll by
one line or column, click the left mouse button on the scroll bar
Scrolling will repeat until you release the left mouse button (see
the "MouHold" and "MouDelay" configuration settings 17-3). You can
also scroll by pressing the left mouse button on the scroll bar
thumb, dragging it to the desired position, and then releasing the
left mouse button.
- scry (- (ypagsiz)) <PgUp>
- scry (ypagsiz) <PgDn>
These commands scroll the current window up or down by one page
minus one line.
- scry (- (/ (ypagsiz) 2))
- scry (/ (ypagsiz) 2)
These commands scroll the current window up or down by one-half
- scry -1 <Ctrl-Up>
- scry 1 <Ctrl-Down>
These commands scroll the current window up or down by one line.
Scrolling 26
- scrx (- (xpagsiz)) <F7>
- scrx (xpagsiz)) <F8>
These commands scroll the current window left or right by one page
minus one column.
6-3 Modifying Text
The Aurora Editor provides many easy-to-use commands for modifying the
text in an Edit window:
- cmtog <Ins>
This command toggles the "insert mode" for the current Edit window.
The insert mode is local to each Edit window. If the insert mode is
ON, any characters entered will be inserted into the current line at
the cursor. If insert mode is OFF, any characters entered will
replace existing characters at cursor.
Note that the insert mode can affect the operation of other
commands, depending on the current configuration settings. See the
section "Configuration - Editing Preferences" (17-8) and the
configuration settings "EnterIns", "EnterOvl", "TabShift", and
- delch <Del>
This command will delete the character at the cursor. The characters
to the right of the cursor will be shifted left by one column.
If the configuration setting "DelJoin" is ON and the cursor is
beyond the end of the line, the next line will be joined to the
current line at the cursor.
- baksp <Backspace>
This command moves the cursor left one column and deletes the
character at the new cursor position. The characters to the right of
the cursor are shifted left by one column.
If the configuration setting "BakOvl" is set ON and the insert mode
for the current window is OFF, the characters to the right of the
cursor position will not be shifted.
If the configuration setting "BakJoin" is set ON and the cursor is
at column 1, then the current line will be joined to the end the
previous line when executing this command.
Modifying Text 27
- leol %l <Alt-F6>
- leol "Erase to End" <F6>
These commands delete the characters from the current cursor
position to the beginning or to the end of the line.
- wrddel CSet "Delete Right Word" <Ctrl-T>
This command deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of
the word at the cursor. The configuration setting "CSet" is the
character set used to define a word for this command (see
"Configuration - Character Sets" 17-14).
If the configuration setting "DelJoin" is ON and the cursor is at
the end of the line, the next line will be joined to the current
line at the cursor.
- wrdcas [options] [char set].
This command changes the case of the word at the cursor. The
following [options] may be specified:
l - change the word to lower case
u - change the word to upper case
Specifying both options "l" and "u" will toggle the case of each
character in the word. If no [options] are specified, the default is
[char set] specifies the character set used to define a word for
this command (see "Configuration - Character Sets" 17-14). If not
specified, the default is "CSet".
- lins %a "Insert Line" <Ctrl-Enter>
This command inserts a new line after the line at the cursor.
If "AutoIndent" is ON, the cursor is moved to the first non-blank
column of the previous line. If the previous line is blank, then the
cursor is moved to the first non-blank column of the next line. If
the next line is also blank, the cursor column does not change.
If the "AutoIndent" is OFF, the cursor is moved to column one.
- lins %c
This command is similar to the "lins %a" command above, except that
the cursor column position is not changed.
Modifying Text 28
- ldel "Delete Line" <Ctrl-Backspace>
This command deletes the line at the cursor. The text below the
cursor is shifted up by one line.
Note: entering the "mdel" <Alt-D> command will also delete the line
at the cursor if no marked block currently exists and the "DelLine"
configuration setting is ON (see "Using Marked Blocks" 8-1).
- lspl "Split Line" <Alt-S>
This command splits the line at the cursor. The text from the cursor
to the end of the line will be moved to a new line inserted after
the cursor. If "AutoIndent" is ON, the beginning of the new line
will be aligned with the beginning of the original line, otherwise
the new line is moved to column one.
- ljoin "Join Line" <Alt-J>
This command appends the line below the cursor to the line at the
cursor. If the cursor is positioned on or before the end of the
line, the line below the cursor is joined to the end of the current
line. If the cursor is positioned after the end of the line, the
line below the cursor is joined at the cursor position.
- ldup "Duplicate Line" <Alt-4>
This command duplicates the line at the cursor.
Note: entering the "mcpy" <Alt-C> command will also duplicate the
line at the cursor if no marked block currently exists and the
"CopyLine" configuration setting is ON (see "Using Marked Blocks"
- lswp "Swap Lines" <Alt-5>
This command swaps the line at the cursor with the following line.
- lcen "Center Line" <Alt-6>
This command centers the line at the cursor between the Left and
Right margins.
- lcom "Comment Line" <Alt-F1>
This command "comments out" the line at the cursor by prefixing it
with the string "//". If the line is already commented-out, then it
is "un-commented" by removing the string "//". The cursor is moved
to the next line without changing the column position.
Modifying Text 29
- lcom [string1] [string2].
This command "comments out" the line at the cursor by enclosing it
between the strings [string1] and [string2]. If the line is already
commented-out, then it is "un-commented" by removing the enclosing
strings [string1] and [string2]. The cursor is moved to the next
line without changing the column position.
- enteredit <Enter>
The action taken when this command is entered depends on the insert
mode for the current Edit window and the configuration settings
"EnterOvl" and "EnterIns".
"EnterOvl" defines the action to take when this command is entered
and the cursor is in overlay mode. "EnterIns" defines the action to
take when this command is entered and the cursor is in insert mode.
You can choose one of the following values for both EnterOvl and
i - inserts a new line
s - splits the line at the cursor and moves the cursor to the
beginning of the next line
null - moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line
- lit "Enter Literal.." <Ctrl-[>
This command prompts you to enter a character "literally" into an
Edit window. Any key entered is interpreted as a "type-able" key,
not a function key.
You can use this command to enter any ascii character into a file.
At the literal prompt, hold down the <Alt> key, enter the ascii
value of the character with the keypad keys, and then release the
<Alt> key. Binary zeros can be entered by pressing <Shift-F1> at the
literal prompt.
- wasc "Ascii Chart.." <Alt-=>
This command displays a menu which lists all 256 ascii characters
and their decimal and hex values. You can select an ascii character
from the menu and enter it into the current Edit window by pressing
the <Enter> key over the character or by selecting it with the left
mouse button. Pressing <Esc> cancels the ascii chart.
Note: The ascii chart can also be used within an editor prompt.
Modifying Text 30
- txt [string]
This command enters the string [string] at the cursor as if it had
been typed in. If the cursor is in insert mode, the string is
inserted into the text at the cursor, otherwise the string will
overlay the text at the cursor.
- stamp "Date/Time Stamp" <Ctrl-K-T>
This command enters the current date and time at the cursor as if it
had been typed in. If the cursor is in insert mode, the date and
time are inserted into the text at the cursor, otherwise the date and
time will overlay the text at the cursor. The date and time are
entered in the following format: MM/DD/YY HH:MMmm. For example,
"08/30/93 01:01am".
- exptab TabWidth "Expand Tabs" <Ctrl-K-X>
This command expands all the tab characters in the current Edit
window. The tab width using during the expansion is determined by
the "Tab Width" setting (see "Global Settings" 13-2). Acceptable
values of "TabWidth" for this command are 1 through 64. Using a tab
width of 1 converts tab characters (ascii 9) to spaces.
Undo and Redo 31
6-4 Undo and Redo
The undo and redo commands are a very advanced feature of The Aurora
Editor. They allow you to backtrack and retrace modifications you made
to the text in an Edit window. This can be an extremely valuable
safeguard against accidental changes, or simply a convenient way for
you to review your recent text changes.
In general, all text changes, text folding, and block marking can be
undone. Cursor movements and scrolling are also undone, but only when
they are associated with text changes, text folding, and marking. Any
change to the text in an Edit window can be undone, including block
commands. Commands which can not be un-done are file saving commands,
and commands which make changes directly to files via the File
The following commands let you undo and redo changes to text:
- undo "Undo" <Ctrl-U>
This command will undo the last change you made to the text in the
current Edit window. The text will be restored to its original state
and the window and cursor will be positioned as they were before the
change was made.
Entering this command repeatedly will continue to undo text changes
in the reverse order you made them. The configuration setting
"UndoSize" determines the maximum number of changes which can be
undone (see "Configuration - Editing Preferences" 17-8).
- undo %r "Redo" <Ctrl-Y>
This command will redo the last change that you have undone with the
undo command in the current Edit window. Entering this command
repeatedly will redo your text changes in the order you made them.
Changes made with this command can also be undone with undo command.
Note that both the undo and redo commands are "local" to the text in
an Edit window. Entering either of these commands in one Edit window
will only modify the text in another Edit window if the other Edit
window is a copy of the original window.
OS Commands 32
7-1 OS Commands
The Aurora Editor has three commands which allow you execute almost
any DOS command or program from with the editor and then return you to
your editing session. They are available from the "Macro" pulldown
In order to leave the maximum amount of memory available for DOS
programs, The Aurora Editor will shrink down to 1.2K by swapping
itself out to XMS or EMS memory (if available), or to disk.
The OS commands are:
- osshell "OS Shell" <F9>
This command passes control to the DOS program "COMMAND.COM", and
allows you to enter commands just as if you were in a normal DOS
session. When you are in the DOS session, enter the "EXIT" command
to return to the editor where you left it.
- askoscmd %ck "OS Command" <Alt-F9>
This command will prompt you to enter a DOS command, execute it, and
then return you to the editor where you left it (there is no need to
type "EXIT").
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- askoscap "OS Capture" <Alt-F8>
This command will prompt you to enter a DOS command, execute the
command, and capture the output in a file. You will then be returned
to the editor and the captured output will be displayed in an Edit
window (there is no need to type "EXIT").
This command is especially helpful when used with the "finc"
<Alt-F7> command ("Go to Compiler Error" on the "Search" pull-down
menu). You can use the "askoscap" command to capture the output from
a compiler, and then use the "finc" <Alt-F7> command to locate
compiler errors in your source code (see the "finc" command 6-1).
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
OS Commands 33
- os [DOS command] [options]
This command executes the specified DOS command without prompting
you for the command. You can specify any of the following options:
c - clear the screen before executing the command
k - display the prompt "Press any key to return" when done
For example:
os %dir %kc
The command above clears the screen, executes the DOS "dir" command,
and then prompts you to return to the editor.
- oscap [DOS command] [options]
This command executes the specified DOS command without prompting
you for the command, and directs the output to a file. You can
specify the "k" option (see the "os" command above).
Note: You should not execute any DOS "terminate and stay resident"
programs (such as the DOS "print" command) from within any of the above
commands. "Terminate and stay resident" programs should be started
before the editor is started.
Using Marked Blocks 34
8-1 Using Marked Blocks
Marking blocks of text and executing block commands are essential
features of many text editors. A block mark is an area of text in an
Edit window which has been designated for a specific block command.
Unlike the clipboard commands (see "The Clipboard" 9-1), block
commands directly manipulate Edit window text.
The Aurora Editor provides commands to define block marks by lines,
columns, and characters (streams), and also provides a large set of
block commands. There are block commands for copying, moving,
deleting, overlaying, reflowing text, and more.
Before you can use a block command, you must first create a block
mark. The Aurora Editor has several different commands for creating
block marks:
- mset %l "Mark Line" <Alt-L>
This command creates a new "line" mark or adjusts the size of an
existing line mark. A line mark designates a group of one or more
complete lines without specifying any column information. To mark a
group of lines, just move the cursor to one end of the group of
lines to be marked and enter this command, then move the cursor to
the other end and enter this command again. The new line mark will
be highlighted.
To create a line mark using the mouse, double-click the left mouse
button on one end of the group of lines to be marked, and with left
mouse button still down, drag the mouse to the other end of the
group of lines and then release the left mouse button.
Note: A line mark can also be created by holding down the left
<Shift> key and using the cursor keys to size the mark.
- mset %r "Mark Column" <Alt-B>
This command creates a new rectangular or "column" mark. It can also
adjust the size of an existing column mark. A column mark designates
rectangular area of text which spans one or more lines and one or
more columns. To create a column mark, move the cursor to one corner
of the desired rectangle and enter this command, then move the
cursor to the opposite corner of the rectangle and enter this
command again. The new column mark will be highlighted.
To create a column mark using the mouse, press the left mouse button
down at one end of the rectangle to be marked, and with left mouse
button still down, drag the mouse to the opposite corner of the
rectangle and release the left mouse button.
Using Marked Blocks 35
- mset %s "Mark Character" <Alt-A>
This command creates a new stream or "character" mark. It can also
adjust the size of an existing character mark. A character mark
designates a continuous segment or "stream" of characters in the
file. To create a character mark, move the cursor to the beginning
of the character stream and enter this command, then move the cursor
to the end of the character stream and enter this command again. The
new character mark will be highlighted.
Note: A character mark can also be created by holding down the right
<Shift> key and using the cursor keys to size the mark.
- mdes "Unmark" <Alt-U>
This command will unmark the current marked block.
Note: the "MouMrkS" and "MouMrkD" configuration settings (see
"Configuration - Mouse" 17-3) determine the default type of block
marks created by single-clicking and double-clicking the left mouse
button and dragging the mouse. No matter what "MouMrkS" and "MouMrkD"
are set to, you can still always create the desired line, column, or
character mark by holding down the appropriate "shift" key when
single-clicking or double-clicking the left mouse button and dragging
the mouse:
<Alt> - forces line marks
<Ctrl> - forces column marks
<Shift> - forces character (stream) marks
There are some "short-cut" block marking commands for defining
commonly used line and column marks, which can save you time:
- mpgh %tb "Mark Paragraph" <Alt-3>
This command creates a line mark which spans the "paragraph" in
which the cursor is located. A paragraph is defined as a contiguous
series of non-blank lines.
- wrdmrk CSet "Mark Word" <Alt-1>
This command creates a column mark which spans the "word" in which
the cursor is located. The configuration setting "CSet" is the
character set used to define a word for this command (see
"Configuration - Character Sets" 17-14).
- meol "Mark to EOL" <Alt-2>
This command creates a column mark which spans the text from the
current cursor position to the end of the line.
Using Marked Blocks 36
The following block commands can be used with all marked blocks
created by the methods described above. Note that the effects of all
these commands can be reversed with the "undo" <Ctrl-U> command.
- mcpy "Copy" <Alt-C>
This commands inserts a copy of the text in the current marked block
after the cursor. The original marked block remains unchanged. You can
copy a marked block within the same Edit window, or between different
Edit windows.
The configuration setting "MoveMark" determines whether or not the
block mark highlight is moved to the location where the text was
copied (see "Configuration Settings - Editing Preferences" 17-8).
Note: this command can also be used to duplicate the line at the
cursor if no marked block currently exists and the "CopyLine"
configuration setting is ON.
- mcpyp <Alt-C>
This command is for use within an editor prompt. It copies the text
in the current marked block to the cursor location within the
prompt. Only column marks (or the first line of a stream mark) are
copied. Line marks are ignored.
- mmov "Move" <Alt-M>
This command moves the text in the current marked block (and the
marked block itself) after the cursor. The marked block may be in
the current Edit window or in another Edit window.
- mdel "Delete" <Alt-D>
This command deletes the text in the current marked block, and the
marked block itself. The marked block may be in the current Edit
window, or in a another Edit window. Note that you can restore the
marked block again with the "undo" <Ctrl-U> command.
Note: this command can also be used to delete the line at the cursor
if no marked block currently exists and the "DelLine" configuration
setting is ON.
- askmfill "Fill" <Ctrl-K-F>
This command prompts you to enter a character, and then fills the
marked block with the character you specified. If the marked block
is a line mark, only the area between the left and right margins
is filled.
Using Marked Blocks 37
- msave "Save.." <Ctrl-K-S>
- msave %a
These commands prompt you for a filename, and then save the current
marked block in the file you specified. If option "a" is specified,
the block is always appended to the file, otherwise you will be
prompted to replace the file or append to the file (if it exists).
If the file containing the marked block is a binary file, then no
line delimiter is used when saving, otherwise each saved line in the
block is appended with the current value of the line delimiter
"LineDlm" configuration setting.
Note: you cannot use the "undo" <Ctrl-U> command to reverse the
effects of this command.
- mcase %l "Lowercase"
- mcase %u "Uppercase" <Ctrl-K-U>
These commands will convert all characters in the current marked
block to lower case or upper case.
- mcase %ul
This command will "flip" or toggle the case of all characters in the
current marked block.
The following block commands work only on line and column blocks:
- mmov %o "Overlay" <Alt-O>
This command overlays the text at the cursor with the text in the
current marked block. The original marked block remains unchanged
(if it does not overlap the destination). You can overlay a marked
block within the same Edit window, or between different Edit
The configuration setting "MoveMark" determines whether or not the
block mark highlight is moved to the location where the text was
overlaid (see "Configuration Settings - Editing Preferences" 17-8).
- mmov %of "Move Over" <Ctrl-M>
This command moves the text in the current marked block over the
text at the cursor. The original marked block is blanked-out (or
partially blanked-out if it overlaps with new block at the cursor).
You can use this command inside the same Edit window, or between
different Edit windows.
- mshf 1 "Indent" <Shift-F8>
- mshf -1 "Unindent" <Shift-F7>
These commands shift the text in the current marked block left or
right one column. They are useful for indenting or unindenting areas
of text.
Using Marked Blocks 38
- mjust %l "Left Justify"
- mjust %c "Center" <Ctrl-K-C>
- mjust %r "Right Justify"
These commands left justify, center, and right justify the text in
the current marked block. For line blocks, the current Left and
Right margins are used. For column marks, the left and right edges
of the mark are used as left and right margins. The centering
command is useful for creating centered document titles.
- mrfl %b "Reflow" <Alt-R>
This useful command will "reflow" the text within the current marked
block. If the marked block is a line mark, the marked text will be
reflowed to fit between the Left and Right Margins. The reflowed
text will always be left justified.
If the marked block is a column mark, all the lines spanned by the
column mark will still be reflowed as with line marks, but the left
and right edges of the mark will be used as Left and Right margins.
If the "AutoMark" configuration setting is set to "ptb" (paragraph
top-to-bottom), you can the reflow a paragraph by simply placing the
cursor within the paragraph and entering this command (see
"Configuration - Editing Preferences" 17-8). In this case, the
cursor position is used as the left margin, and the Right Margin
setting is used as the right margin.
- mrfl %br "Reflow RJust" <Alt-Y>
This command will reflow text in the same way as the "mrfl %b"
<Alt-R> command above, but the reflowed text will be both left AND
right justified. The editor may insert spaces between some words in
the text to pad the line out to the right margin.
- msrt "Sort" <Ctrl-K-O>
This command sorts the all the lines spanned by the current marked
block. For line marks, the entire line is used as the sort key. For
column marks, the area between the left and right edges of the mark
is used as the sort key. Note that for column marks, all the lines
spanned by the mark will still be sorted, not just the area within
the mark.
If Scroll Lock is ON when this command is executed, the sort is in
descending order, otherwise the sort is in ascending order.
If the cursor Insert Mode is ON when this command is executed, the
sort is case-insensitive, otherwise the sort is case-sensitive.
Using Marked Blocks 39
- print %m "Print Block" <Alt-P>
This command prints the text within the current marked block using
the current printer settings (see "Configuration - Print Settings"
The Clipboard 40
9-1 The Clipboard
Edit window text can be indirectly manipulated by using the clipboard
commands. These commands allow you to move or copy the text within the
current marked block into a temporary buffer known as a "clipboard",
and then copy or overlay the clipboard text to a new location in the
same Edit window, or even to a new location in a different Edit
window. As with the block commands, you can use the "undo" <Ctrl-U>
command to reverse the effects of clipboard commands.
You can have any number of clipboards in an edit session. Each
clipboard is identified by a unique name and is available to any Edit
window. The default clipboard is named "clipboard", and is the
"current" clipboard when The Aurora Editor is initially started.
Note that if the "AutoMark" configuration setting (see "Configuration
- Editing Preferences" 17-8) is set to "ptb" (paragraph), you can
"Cut" or "Copy" a paragraph by simply placing the cursor within the
paragraph and entering one of the "clpcpy" commands described below.
The following clipboard commands operate on the "current" clipboard:
- clpcpy %d "Cut" <Grey->
This command erases the contents of the current clipboard and then
moves the text within the current marked block to the clipboard. The
current marked block is destroyed.
- clpcpy %ad "Cut Append" <Ctrl-Grey->
This command moves the text within the current marked block to the
end of the current clipboard without erasing the contents of the
clipboard. The current marked block is destroyed.
This command is useful for gathering separate blocks of text and
grouping them together in the clipboard.
- clpcpy "Copy" <Grey+>
This command erases the contents of the current clipboard and then
copies the text within the current marked block into the clipboard.
The current marked block and its contents are unchanged.
The Clipboard 41
- clpcpy %a "Copy Append" <Ctrl-Grey+>
This command copies the text within the current marked block to the
end of the current clipboard without erasing the contents of the
clipboard. The current marked block and its contents are unchanged.
This command is useful for copying separate blocks of text and
grouping them together in the clipboard.
- clppst "Paste" <Grey*>
This command inserts the text from the current clipboard at the
cursor position in the current Edit window. The contents of the
clipboard are unchanged.
- clppst %o "Paste Over" <Ctrl-Grey*>
This command overlays the text from the current clipboard at the
cursor position in the current Edit window. The contents of the
clipboard are unchanged.
- clpclr "Clear" <Ctrl-Grey/>
This command erases the contents of the current clipboard.
The following command changes the "current" clipboard:
- askclp "Clipboard.."
This command prompts you for a unique clipboard name and changes the
"current" clipboard to the name you enter. The clipboard will be
created if it does not exist. Entering any of the above clipboard
commands will now refer to the new clipboard.
At installation, the default clipboard name is "clipboard".
Folding Text 42
10-1 Folding Text
The Aurora Editor allows you to "fold" multiple lines of text in an
Edit window and make them appear as one line. This feature is useful
for hiding lines of text that you do not wish to view, and may help to
reduce unnecessary scrolling. If you wish to redisplay the folded
text, it can be "unfolded" at any time. You can create any number of
text folds of any size.
A text fold is displayed in an Edit window as a single highlighted
line indicating the number of lines in the fold. For example:
── 215 lines not displayed ─────────────────────────────────────
In the example above, 215 lines of text appear as one folded line.
Text folds can be "nested" by folding a group of lines which already
contain other folds. Later when the outer fold is unfolded, the inner
folds are redisplayed. This feature allows you to create a "hierarchy
of folds". Fold hierarchies of any size can be created.
Note that any lines contained within a text fold will be excluded from
the search and replace commands (see "Search and Replace" 11-1).
Several commands are available for folding and unfolding text. The
effects of each of these commands can be reversed with the "undo"
<Ctrl-U> and "undo %r" <Ctrl-Y> commands:
- lfld %b "Fold Next Line" <Alt-8>
- lfld %t "Fold Prev Line"
These commands extend the fold at the cursor to the next or previous
line. If there is no fold at the cursor, then a new "one-line" fold
is created at the cursor.
- mfld %f "Fold Block" <Alt-F>
This command creates a new fold consisting of all the lines in the
current marked block. Any "sub-folds" will be preserved.
If the "AutoMark" configuration setting is set to "ptb" (paragraph),
you can fold a paragraph by simply placing the cursor within the
paragraph and entering this command (see "Configuration - Editing
Preferences" 17-8).
Folding Text 43
- mfld %uaf "Fold Block Flat"
This command is identical the "mfld %f" command above, except that
all existing folds within the marked block are removed before the
new fold is created. The new fold will not have any "sub-folds".
- lfld %u "Unfold Line" <Alt-G>
This command removes the fold at the cursor.
- lfld %ua "Unfold Line Flat"
This command removes the fold at the cursor, and also removes any
"sub-folds" within the fold.
- lfld %bs "Unfold Next Line" <Alt-9>
- lfld %ts "Unfold Prev Line"
These commands shrink the fold at the cursor so that the bottom or
top line in the fold is displayed.
- mfld %u "Unfold Block"
This command removes any "top-level" folds contained within the
current marked block. Folds contained within the top-level folds are
- mfld %ua "Unfold Block Flat"
This command removes all folds contained within the current marked
block. All existing fold hierarchies within the marked block are
- mflda %ua "Unfold All" <Alt-0>
This command removes all folds in the current Edit window. All
existing fold hierarchies are removed.
Search and Replace 44
11-1 Search and Replace
The Aurora Editor provides commands for locating character strings
within the current Edit window, or within files on disk:
- askfind "Find.." <F5>, <Ctrl-F>
This command prompts you for a character string to search for in
the current Edit window. "Search options" can also be specified at
the prompt. The following search options are available:
i - Ignore case when searching for the string. For example, the
search string "aurora" would find "Aurora" or "AURORA".
w - Search for "whole words only". For example, the search string
"at" would find " at " and "(at)", but not "ate" or "that". This
option can be useful for locating variables in program source
r - Reverse search. This option forces the search to proceed toward
the top of the Edit window. If this option is not specified, the
search proceeds toward the bottom of the Edit window.
b - Marked block only. This option limits the search to the current
marked block. The block may be a line mark or a column mark.
g - Search globally starting from the beginning of the file (or the
end of the file if used with the reverse search option). If this
option is not selected, the search begins from the current
cursor position. This option is ignored if the "Marked block
only" option (b) is specified.
If you have tailored the find prompt to appear as a dialog box, you
can select these options from the "search options" group box. You
can also configure which options default to "selected" when the
dialog box is displayed (see the "SearchOpt" configuration setting
If you have tailored the find prompt to appear as a command line or
one-line box, enter the search string at the prompt and press the
<Enter> key. For example, to find the string "Aurora":
(string/iwrbg) Find> Aurora <Enter>
Search and Replace 45
If you are entering search options, enter the slash character (/)
after the search string and then enter the desired search options:
(string/iwrbg) Find> Aurora/iwrb <Enter>
After the <Enter> key pressed in the example above, the editor will
search for the string "Aurora". The search will ignore case and will
be restricted to the current marked block, starting at the bottom of
the marked block and searching toward the top.
If you need to include the slash character (/) in the search string,
enter it twice. For example:
(string/iwrbg) Find> Au//r//ora/iwrb <Enter>
In the example above, the search string is now "Au/r/ora". Note that
double slashes are only required in one-line boxes or command line
prompts, not in dialog boxes.
If you have tailored the find prompt to appear as a command line or
one-line box, default search options will be added by the editor if
you have not specified any search options in the prompt (see the
"SearchOpt" configuration setting 17-8). To prevent default search
options from being added, either specify your own options or just
add a "/" to the end of the search string.
Prompt history is available at the find prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
Note that the Find, Replace, and Scan prompts all share the same
prompt history.
- askrpl "Replace.." <Ctrl-G>
This command prompts you for a character string to search for in the
current Edit window, and a character string to replace it with.
"Search options" can also be specified. The search options are the
same as the search options specified for the "askfind" command (see
The following "replace option" may also be specified:
a - Replaces all occurrences of the search string that are found.
A message will tell you how many replacements were made.
If the replace option "a" is not specified, then you will be
prompted to verify each replacement. Each time the search string is
found, the following prompt will appear on the window title bar:
Replace (Yes/No/All/One/Reverse/Quit)?
Search and Replace 46
You can select one of the replace/verify options by entering the
first character of the desired option:
- y (Yes) Replace and continue searching
- n (No) Do not replace and continue searching
- a (All) Replace all remaining occurrences without prompting
- o (One) Replace and do not continue searching
- r (Reverse) Do not replace and change the search direction
- q (Quit) Cancel the search
Entering any other character or function key will cancel the search.
Note that any string replacements made with this command can be
reversed with the "undo" <Ctrl-U> and "undo %r" <Ctrl-Y> commands.
If you have tailored the replace prompt to appear as a dialog box,
you can select these options from the "replace options" group box.
You can also configure which options default to "selected" when the
dialog box is displayed (see the configuration settings "SearchOpt"
and "ReplaceOpt" 17-8).
If you have tailored the replace prompt to appear as a command line
or one-line box, enter the search string at the prompt followed by
the slash character (/), replace string, and another slash
character. Then press the <Enter> key. For example:
(string/repl/iwrbga) Repl> editor/Aurora/ <Enter>
In the example above the editor will replace the first occurrence of
the string "editor" with the string "Aurora". Note that the
terminating slash is required.
Search and replace options can be entered after the last slash (/)
character. For example:
(string/repl/iwrbga) Repl> editor/Aurora/irga <Enter>
In the example above, the editor will replace all occurrences of the
string "editor" (ignoring case) with the string "Aurora". The search
will proceed from the bottom of the file to the top of the file and
you will not be prompted for any replacement.
If you need to include the slash character (/) in the search string
or replace string, enter it twice. For example:
(string/repl/iwrbga) Repl> edi//tor/Aur//ora/ <Enter>
Search and Replace 47
In the example above, the search string is "edi/tor" and the replace
string is "Aur/ora". Note that double slashes are only required in
one-line boxes or command line prompts, not in dialog boxes.
If you would like to replace the search string with a "null" replace
string, specify the "z" replace option without specifying a replace
string. For example:
(string/repl/iwrbga) Repl> xyz/za <Enter>
In the example above, the editor will delete all occurrences of the
string "xyz" from the cursor position to the end of the file.
If you have tailored the replace prompt to appear as a command line
or one-line box, and you have not specified any search or replace
options, then the default search and replace options will be added
by the editor (see the "SearchOpt" configuration setting 17-8). To
prevent default options from being added, either specify your own
options, or specify the "n" option ("no default").
If you have tailored the Find prompt to appear as a command-line or
one-line box prompt, you can also enter any replace command in the
Find prompt. This allows you to enter both Find and Replace commands
from only one prompt.
Prompt history is available at the replace prompt (see "Prompts"
2-6). Note that the Find, Replace, and Scan prompts all share the
same prompt history.
- finl "Repeat Last Find/Repl" <Ctrl-L>
This command will repeat the last find or replace command you
entered, without prompting you for search or replace strings.
- search [search string] [options]
This command is used to perform the search and replace commands
without prompting. The search string must be specified in the same
way as it would be specified for the search and replace command line
or one-line box prompts (see above). Specifying the "r" option adds
the search string to the search prompt history. For example:
search "abc/i" %r.
The above command searches for the string "abc" (ignoring case) in
the current Edit window, and adds the search string to the search
prompt history.
Search and Replace 48
- askscan "Scan Files.." <Ctrl-S>
This command allows you to scan a directory (or a group of files
designated by a "wildcards") for a character string. You will be
prompted for the directory or wildcard file specification, and for a
search string and search options. The "Ignore Case" (i) and "Whole
Words" (w) search options can be used with this command (see the
"askfind" command above for a description of these search options).
After the scan has completed, a File Manager window will be
displayed showing all the files in which the search string was
found. Position the cursor to the file you wish to edit and press
<Enter> or double-click the left mouse button if you are using the
mouse. The file will be loaded into an Edit window and the cursor
will be positioned at the first occurrence of the matched search
string. You can use the "finl" <Ctrl-L> command ("Repeat Last
Find/Repl" - see above) to find other occurrences.
If you have tailored the scan prompt to appear as a dialog box, you
can select scan search options from the "search options" group box.
You can also configure which search options default to "selected"
when the dialog box is displayed (see the configuration setting
"SearchOpt" 17-8).
If you have tailored the scan prompt to appear as a command line or
one-line box, enter search string at the scan prompt:
(string/files/iw) Scan> Aurora <Enter>
In the above example, the editor will search all files in the
current directory for the string "Aurora". Consider the following
(string/files/iw) Scan> Aurora/c:\doc\*.txt <Enter>
In this example, the editor will search all files with the extension
".txt" in the directory "c:\doc" for the string "Aurora". Now
consider the following example:
(string/files/iw) Scan> Aurora/*.doc/i <Enter>
In this example, the editor will search all files in the current
directory with the extension .DOC for the string "Aurora",
ignoring case during the search.
As with the "askfind" command above, if you need to include the
slash character (/) in the search string, enter it twice. Note that
double slashes are only required in one-line boxes or command line
versions of the scan prompt, not in dialog boxes.
Search and Replace 49
If you have tailored the scan prompt to appear as a command line or
one-line box, default search options will be added by the editor if
you have not specified any search options (see the "SearchOpt"
configuration setting 17-8)
Note that you can use the <Ctrl-Break> key to interrupt the
execution of the "askscan" <Ctrl-S> command.
Prompt history is available at the Scan prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
Note that the Find, Replace, and Scan prompts all share the same
prompt history.
Printing 50
12-1 Printing
The Aurora Editor provides commands for printing the contents of the
current window, or printing a marked block of text within an Edit
window. Using the File Manager, you can mark groups of files for
printing and print directory listings (see "The File Manager" 16-1).
Print commands will use the current printer settings to format output
to the printer (see "Configuration - Print Settings" 17-11). The
following print commands are available:
- print "Print" <Ctrl-P> (Edit window)
- print %d "Print" <Ctrl-P> (File Manager window)
These commands print the entire contents of an Edit window or File
Manager window using the current printer settings. Printing can be
aborted by pressing <Ctrl-Break>.
- print %m "Print Block" <Alt-P>
This command prints the current marked block using the current
printer settings. The marked block need not reside in the current
window. Printing can be aborted by pressing <Ctrl-Break>.
- prtstr (byte 12) "Print Formfeed"
This command ejects a page by sending a formfeed character (ascii
12) to the printer defined in the current printer settings. The
"prtstr" command can be used to send any control character sequence
to the printer. For example:
prtstr (byte 13 10)
The above command sends a carriage return (ascii 13) and linefeed
(ascii 10) to the printer.
- prtfil [filename]
This command prints the contents of the specified filename, using
the current printer settings. Printing can be aborted by pressing
Printing 51
- askprtset "Print Settings.."
This command displays a dialog box which allows you to change the
current printer settings. You can change any of the following
- printer options, including header, footer, page numbers, line
numbers, eject when done
- printer output device or file
- lines per page
- line spacing
- number of copies
- printer initialization string
- top, bottom, left, and right margins
For more information on printer settings, see "Configuration -
Print Settings" (17-10).
Window Settings 52
13-1 Window Settings
For each Edit window in The Aurora Editor there are settings such as
"Word Wrap" and "Line Draw" which can be switched ON or OFF during an
edit session. You can switch these settings ON or OFF from the
"Settings" pull-down menu, or you can define keys which toggle the
Each Edit window has it's own copy of these settings, so that changing
a setting in one Edit window does not affect the settings of another
Edit window. This feature can very convenient when you switch back and
forth often between two or more Edit windows and you don't want to
keep changing the settings every time you switch windows (for example,
editing program source code in one window with "Word Wrap" OFF, and
documentation in another window with "Word Wrap" ON).
If the configuration setting "SaveWin" is ON, then window settings for
each file you edit are "remembered" across edit sessions (see
"Configuration - Desktop Options" 17-11). When you close an Edit
window, these settings are saved along with the window sizes and
cursor positions. The window settings are restored the next time the
file is edited.
The following section describes the settings associated with each Edit
window. Each setting is listed in the following format:
togglecommand "menu item" <key>
The "togglecommand" is the command used to toggle the ON/OFF state of
the setting. The "menu item" is the description of the setting as it
appears on the "Set" pull-down menu. <key> is the default key used to
toggle the setting (if any).
- wmwrap "Word Wrap" <Ctrl-W>
This setting is useful for word processing. It allows you to type
freely without having to press <Enter> at the end of each line.
If this setting is ON, and you are typing beyond the Right Margin, a
new line is inserted after the current line, and the word you are
currently typing (and any characters following it) are moved to the
next line. If the "AutoIndent" Window Setting is ON, the beginning
of the new line is aligned with the first non-blank character of the
previous line, otherwise the new line begins at column 1. The cursor
is placed in the same relative position in the word as it was on the
previous line.
Window Settings 53
- wmautoi "AutoIndent"
This setting is useful for word processing and general editing. It
aligns the beginning of newly inserted lines with the previous line
or next line, thus saving you keystrokes.
If this setting is ON and a new line is inserted, the cursor is
moved to the first non-blank column of the previous line. If the
previous line is blank, then the cursor is moved to the first
non-blank column of the next line. If the next line is also blank,
the cursor column does not change.
The AutoIndent setting can affect the following commands when a new
line is inserted:
- lins "Insert Line" <Ctrl-Enter>
- lspl "Split Line" <Alt-S>
- enteredit <Enter>
- entering characters when "Word Wrap" is ON
- wmvtab "Variable Tabs"
This setting allows you use the preset tab positions specified in
the "Tabs" configuration setting (see "Configuration - Word
Processing" 17-4).
If this setting is ON, and the "ctab" <Tab> command is entered, the
cursor will move to the next column position specified in the "Tabs"
configuration setting. Entering the "ctab %l" <Shift-Tab> command
will do the same in reverse.
If set ON, Variable Tabs will override regular "Interval" Tabs, but
Variable Tabs can in turn be overridden by "Smart Tabs" (see below).
- wmsmtab "Smart Tabs"
Setting Smart Tabs ON can save you time when entering data in
If this setting is ON, and the "ctab" <Tab> command is entered, the
cursor will move to the column of the next word on the nearest
previous non-blank line. Entering the "ctab %l" <Shift-Tab> command
will do the same in reverse.
If set ON, "Smart Tabs" will override Variable Tabs and Interval
Window Settings 54
- wmmat "Match Character"
This setting can be useful for entering expressions in program
source code. If this setting is ON and the characters (, [, or " are
entered, The Aurora Editor will automatically enter the matching
character ), ], or ".
- wmbak "Backup"
If this setting ON and the current file is saved with The Aurora
Editor, the previous version of the file on disk will be saved in
a backup file. The new backup file will replace any existing backup
If a backup directory is defined with the configuration setting
"BakDir" (see "Configuration - Save Options" 17-7), then the backup
file will be saved in the specified backup directory, otherwise it
will be saved with the extension defined with the "BakExt"
configuration setting (the default is ".BAK") in the same directory
as the file.
- wmdraw "Line Draw" <Ctrl-D>
This setting can be useful for creating boxes, charts, and other
text mode drawings. When Line Draw is ON, the cursor keys can be
used to draw lines using the text mode graphics characters.
- sdraws [0/1/2/3/4] "Line Style"
This setting is the line style used to draw lines with the cursor
keys when Line Draw is ON. You can choose any of the following
0 - Single
1 - Double Horizontal
2 - Double Vertical
3 - Double
4 - Eraser
- wmtran "Translate" <Alt-F4>
This setting allows you to expand abbreviations and correct commonly
misspelled words or typos as you enter characters into the text of
an Edit window. You can also define macros that are executed
whenever the name of the macro is entered as a word in your text.
When Text Translation is ON, the editor will automatically check
each "word" you type to see if it exists in a special user-defined
translation lookup table in the file ATRN.A. If the word is found,
it will be replaced with the substitution text that you have defined
in the table (see "Text Translation" 18-7).
Global Settings 55
13-2 Global Settings
There are many settings which are global to all windows. These
settings are macro language variables located in the configuration
file ACFG.A, and can be modified as configuration settings (see
"Configuration" 17-1).
However, some of these global settings can also be modified during an
edit session from the "Set" pull-down menu. If you wish, you can also
define keys which display the current values of these settings and
prompt you to enter new values.
The following section describes global settings which can be changed
during an edit session from the "Set" pull-down menu. Each setting is
listed in the following format:
promptcommand "menu item" <key>
The "promptcommand" is the command which displays the current value of
the setting and prompts you to enter a new value. The "menu item" is
the description of the setting as it appears on the "Set" pull-down
menu. <key> is the default key used to display the prompt (if any):
- asktabw "Tab Width.."
The Tab Width specifies the distance between tab stops for "Interval
Tabs". For example, a value of 8 would place tab stops at columns 1,
9, 17, 25, etc. The cursor can be moved to the tab stops by using the
"ctab" <Tab> and "ctab %l" <Shift-Tab> commands when the "Variable
Tabs" and "Smart Tabs" settings are OFF.
The "TabWidth" setting is also used as the tab width for the
"exptab" <Ctrl-K-X> command ("Expand Tabs" on the "Edit" pull-down
The default value of the Tab Width is determined by the
configuration setting "TabWidth". The installation default is 8.
- asktabv "Variable Tab Stops.."
This setting is a string of explicitly specified tab stops which you
can use to override the Interval Tabs specified by the "TabWith"
setting above, when the "Variable Tabs" setting is ON (and the
"Smart Tabs" setting is OFF). Unlike the tab stops specified with
the "Tab Width" setting, Variable Tab Stops need not occur at
regular intervals.
Global Settings 56
The default value of "Variable Tab Stops" is determined by the
configuration setting "Tabs". The installation default is "4 8 16 24
50 72".
- asklmrg "Left Margin.."
The Left Margin setting is used as the default left margin for the
following commands on the "Block" pull-down menus, when used with
line marks:
- lcen "Center Line"
- mjust "Left Justify", "Right Justify", "Center"
- askmfill "Fill"
- mmov %of "Move Over"
- mrfl "Reflow", "Reflow RJust"
The default value of the Left Margin is determined by the
configuration setting "LMargin". The installation default is 3.
- askrmrg "Right Margin.."
The Right Margin setting is used as the right margin for the "Word
Wrap" Window Setting, and for the same block commands used with line
marks described above in the Left Margin setting (see above).
The default value of the Right Margin is determined by the
configuration setting "RMargin". The installation default is 72.
- askind "Paragraph Indent.."
This setting determines the number of columns to indent a paragraph
when using the "mrfl %b" commands ("Reflow" and "Reflow RJust" on
the "Block" pull-down menu).
The default value of Paragraph Indent is determined by the
configuration setting "Indent". The installation default is 0.
- askdefx "Default File Extensions.."
This setting is a list of default file extensions to try when you
attempt to open a file without specifying a file extension.
The default value of "Default File Extensions" is determined by the
configuration setting "DefExt" (see "Configuration - Default File
Extensions 17-5). The installation default is "c h cpp doc txt a asm
pas inc bat".
Global Settings 57
- askbin "Binary Line Length.."
This setting is used to determine the length of each line in the
file when the file is loaded in Binary Mode.
The default value of the Binary Line Length is determined by the
configuration setting "BinaryLength". The installation default is
- askdlm "Line Delimiter.."
This setting is the end-of-line delimiter to be used when loading
and saving files in non-binary mode. The Line Delimiter can be one
or two bytes long. If the line delimiter is two bytes long, only the
last byte is actually used as the line delimiter during file loading
(however, if the first byte is found immediately before the second
byte, it will be "blanked-out" along with the second byte during the
loading process).
The default value of the Line Delimiter is determined by the
configuration setting "LineDlm". The installation default is "0D0Ah"
(carriage return & linefeed).
You can save and restore all the current global settings with the
following commands:
- setres "Restore Settings" <Alt-F2>
Use the "setres" <Alt-F2> command whenever you wish to restore the
default settings, or when you need to change the files containing
the configuration settings (ACFG.A), keyboard and mouse definitions
(AKBD.A), menu and tool bar definitions (AMEN.A), or text
translation definitions (ATRN.A).
This command actually re-compiles the macro language source file
A.A, and re-generates the file A.X. The source file A.A includes the
files ACFG.A, AMEN.A, ALIB.X, AKBD.A, and ATRN.A. The resulting
compiled file A.X is interpreted by A.EXE and A3.EXE and contains
all the compiled macro language code for The Aurora Editor.
Note that if you have previously used the "setsav" command (see
below) to save global settings, those settings will revert back to
the defaults defined in ACFG.A after this command is entered.
Global Settings 58
- setsav "Save Current Settings"
This command saves all the current settings, including the settings
described above, printer settings, the current window style, prompt
style, and the current video mode.
Note: This command works the same as the setres <Alt-F2> command
(see above), except that configuration settings are taken from the
current edit session. The file ACFG.A is not included.
Key Macros 59
14-1 Key Macros
A Key Macro is a "recorded" sequence of keystrokes which can be played
back on demand. This feature can be very useful for situations where
the same sequence of keystrokes are entered over and over again.
The Aurora Editor will allow you to record and play key macros of
virtually any length. Once they are recorded, you can assign them to a
key of your choice, or just keep them in a temporary "scrap" area. You
can save and load key macros that you have previously recorded. Also,
The Aurora Editor can be configured to automatically load and save all
your key macros when you enter and exit the editor (see the "SaveMac"
configuration setting 17-11).
The key macro commands are:
- krec "Record Toggle" <Ctrl-R>
This command will toggle the record mode ON and OFF. When the record
mode is ON, all keystrokes you enter will be recorded until the
record mode is turned OFF. After a key macro has been recorded, it
resides in a temporary "scrap" buffer until it is assigned to a key
or erased.
If the record mode is turned ON and there is already a key macro in
the scrap buffer, any new recorded keystrokes will be appended to
the end of the macro in the scrap buffer. To record a completely new
key macro, you should first delete any key macro in the scrap buffer
with the "kdel" <Ctrl-I> command (see below).
- kplay "Play" <Ctrl-E>
This command will "play" the key macro in the scrap buffer.
- kdel "Erase" <Ctrl-I>
This command will erase the key macro in the scrap buffer.
- kdel %a "Erase All"
This command will erase ALL current key macros. This includes any
key macros that were assigned to keys and the key macro in the
scrap buffer.
Key Macros 60
- askkopen "Open.."
This command will prompt you for a key macro file created by the
"askksav" command, and then load the key macro file. If there are
any conflicts between key assignments in the macro file and current
key macro assignments, the key macros in the file will replace the
current key macros.
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- kopen [filename]
This command opens the key macros in the specified filename, without
prompting you for the filename.
- askksav "Save.."
This command will prompt you for a filename, and then saves all the
current key macros in the filename you entered. All macros will be
saved, including any key macros that were assigned to keys and the
key macro in the scrap buffer.
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- ksav [filename]
This command saves all the current key macros in the specified
filename, without prompting.
- kcat "Assign to Key.."
This command allows you to assign the key macro in the "scrap"
buffer to the function key of your choice. You will be prompted to
enter the function key. Note that you cannot assign a key macro to a
"compound" function key, such as "<F1> <F2>".
When the key macro in the scrap buffer has been assigned to a
function key, it is removed from the scrap buffer.
Other Commands 61
15-1 Other Commands
Other macro commands are available from the "Macro" pull-down menu:
- opena %acfg "Configuration.."
This command opens the file ACFG.A which contains all the
configuration settings for The Aurora Editor.
- opena %akbd "Keys.."
This command opens the file AKBD.A which contains the current
keyboard and mouse definitions for The Aurora Editor.
- opena %amen "Menus.."
This command opens the file AMEN.A which contains the current menu
and tool bar definitions for The Aurora Editor.
- opena %atrn <Alt-F5>
This command opens the file ATRN.A which contains the current text
translation table definitions for The Aurora Editor.
- askmcmd "Macro Command.." <Ctrl-V>
This command prompts you for a macro language expression, and then
evaluates it. For complete documentation on The Aurora Macro
Language, see "The Aurora Macro Language Guide" (AML.DOC).
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- askmrun "Run Macro.."
This command prompts you for the name of a macro language file, and
then executes it. The macro language file may be a source file
(extension ".A"), or a compiled file (extension ".X"). If no file
extension is specified, then ".X" is tried first, followed by ".A".
When the macro file is finished executing, all the macro code loaded
from the file is discarded.
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
- askminc "Include Macro.."
This command is identical to the "askmrun" command above, except
that when the macro file is finished executing, all the loaded macro
code remains present in the editor.
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
Other Commands 62
- askmcom "Compile Macro.."
This command prompts you for the name of a macro language source
file, and then compiles it. If no file extension is specified, then
".A" is assumed. The compiled file is placed in the same directory
as the source file, but has the extension ".X".
Prompt history is available at this prompt (see "Prompts" 2-6).
Other macro commands not available from the "Macro" pull-down are:
- mcmd [macro expression]
This command evaluates the specified macro expression, without
- mrun [macro source or compiled filename]
This command evaluates the specified macro source or compiled file,
without prompting. When done, the macros are discarded.
- minc [macro source or compiled filename]
This command evaluates the specified macro source or compiled file,
without prompting. When done, the macro code remains in the editor.
- mcom [macro source filename]
This command compiles the specified macro source file, without
prompting you for the filename.
15-2 Miscellaneous Library Functions
The following commands are some additional library functions contained
in ALIB.X for use with The Aurora Macro Language (see "The Aurora
Macro Language Guide").
- say [message] [options].
Displays the string [message] on the window title bar. The following
options may be specified:
b - a short beep is sounded
k - the user is prompted to enter a character. The character
entered is returned.
Other Commands 63
- mbox [title] [message] [options].
Displays the message [message] in a dialog box with an "Ok" button.
The dialog box will have the window title [title]. If the option
"b" is specified, a short beep is sounded.
- ask [prompt] [title] [width].
Prompts the user for a string using the prompt description [prompt].
This function returns the string entered at the prompt, or null if
the prompt was cancelled.
If user-defined prompts are configured to appear as dialog boxes
(see "Configuration - Editing Preferences" 17-8), then [title] and
[width] specify the dialog box title and width. If the width is not
specified, the default width is 44.
- askbox [title] [options] [item 1] [item 2] [item 3] ...
Displays a menu box with the title [title]. One of the following
[options] can be specified:
o - displays an "Ok/Cancel" menu box
y - displays a "Yes/No/Cancel" menu box
i - displays a menu box with the lines [item 1], [item 2], etc.
To highlight a character in a menu item, prefix it with an
ampersand (&) character.
If no options are specified, the default is "i".
This function returns the menu item selected (without the first
character - the first character is usually blank), or null if the
menu box was cancelled by pressing <Esc> or clicking on the menu box
"close" (≡) icon.
- keyx [key prefix].
Creates a new compound key prefix. Compound key prefixes can greatly
increase the number of available function keys (see "Defining
Compound Keys" 18-3).
- askkrep <Ctrl-Q-Q>
Repeats the last key command entered. The user is prompted for the
number of repetitions.
- moubegmrk [x] [y] [options].
This command allows you to create a marked block from within a mouse
event handler function. [x] and [y] are virtual x and y coordinates
which specify the starting point of the marked block on the screen
([x] and [y] are passed to the mouse event handler function by the
Other Commands 64
[options] specifies the type of mark to be created and can be one of
the following:
l - line mark
r - column mark
s - stream mark
- moumovmrk [x] [y].
This command extends the marked block created with the "moubegmrk"
command above to virtual coordinates [x] and [y] ([x] and [y] are
passed to the mouse event handler by the editor).
- mouendmrk [x] [y].
This command extends the marked block created with the "moubegmrk"
command above to virtual coordinates [x] and [y], and completes the
mouse marking process ([x] and [y] are passed to the mouse event
handler by the editor).
- dn.
Returns the filename or directory name at the cursor in a File
Manager window.
- winsizt [left] [top] [right] [bottom] [reps] [options].
Resizes the current window to coordinates [left], [top], [right],
[bottom]. Unlike the native function "winsiz", this function adjusts
the title bar controls (see "The Aurora Macro Language Guide"). The
following [options] may be specified:
r - coordinates are relative to the current size
a - coordinates are absolute (relative the "origin" - see below)
s - scrolls the window to keep the cursor visible, if necessary
If option "a" is specified, the following options may also be
d - origin is at the top left corner of the screen
z - origin is at the virtual coordinates 0, 0
If option "r" is specified, [reps] specifies the number of sizing
repetitions (the default is 1). If no options are specified, option
"r" is assumed.
Other Commands 65
- qwrd [char set].
Returns the word at the cursor. [char set] is the character set used
to define a word (see "Configuration - Character Sets" 17-14).
- qwinmin.
Returns "1" if the current window is minimized, otherwise it returns
- qwinmax.
Returns "1" if the current window is maximized, otherwise it returns
- qtimdat
Returns a string consisting of the current date and time, in the
following format: MM/DD/YY HH:MMmm. For example, "08/30/93
The File Manager 66
16-1 The File Manager
The File Manager is a very useful feature of The Aurora Editor. You
can use it to display a list of files in a directory and select one
for editing. You can also use it to select several files from a
directory and perform file management functions with the selected
files, such as Copy, Print, Run, and others - all without leaving the
Any number of File Manager windows can be open at one time. Each File
Manager window is independent of any other windows. For example, you
could have one File Manager window showing a directory on drive C and
another File Manager window showing a different directory on drive D.
File Manager windows look and behave much like Edit windows in many
respects. They are similar in appearance to Edit windows except that
they display a directory listing instead of file text. They also have
a drive menu bar immediately below the main menu bar, where you can
select disk drives (network disk drives are highlighted). Note that
File Manager window borders, title bars, title bar controls, menus,
and scroll bars all work the same as they do for Edit windows.
The following is an example of a File Manager window:
Close Icon North Title Bar
│ │
│ North Title │ Menu Bar Min/Max/Restore Icons
│ │ │ │ │
▒▒ ≡ C:\DOC\*.* ┴ │ └ ▒▒
▒▒ File Window Mark Command Sort Print Macro Help ▒▒
░░ <> <A> <B> <C> <D> <E> ░░
░░ ..\ ░░
░░ SUBDIR2\ 92-11-02 11:54:06pm A ▒───┐
░░ DEMO1 .BAK 31092 93-03-01 4:11:14am A ■░░ │
░░ DEMO1 .C 31317 93-03-01 4:15:10am A ▒░░ │
░░ HELLO .TXT 2030 93-01-25 7:33:54pm A ░░ │
▒▒■▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ │
▒▒ 2,114,732 bytes in 114 files ┬ │ ┌─ Aurora v1.20 ▒▒ │
▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│░░░░│░░░│░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
Corner │ │ South Title Bar │ South Title │
│ │ │ │
South Title Border Horz Scroll Bar Vert Scroll Bar
The File Manager 67
For each file, the File Manager displays:
- the filename and extension
- the file size (in bytes or k)
- the date and time the file was last modified (or created)
- the file attributes (A=archive, H=hidden, R=readonly, S=system)
The "south title" of the File Manager window also displays the total
number of files in the listing, and the total size (in bytes or k) of
all the files.
16-2 Creating a File Manager Window
There are several ways to create a new File Manager window:
- After entering "A" or "A3" on the DOS command line, enter the
name of a directory or a filename with "wildcard" characters (*, ?).
a *.* <Enter> - displays a listing of the current directory
a . <Enter> - displays a listing of the current directory
a c:\sys <Enter> - displays a listing of the "c:\sys" directory
a c:\sys\a*.* <Enter> - displays a listing of the "c:\sys" directory
of all filenames beginning with 'a'
a hello.txt . <Enter> - creates an Edit window for "hello.txt"
and a File Manager window listing the
current directory
- Enter the "askopen" <Alt-E> command ("Open.." from the "File" menu)
to bring up the Open prompt, and then enter the name of a directory,
or a filename with "wildcard" characters (see previous examples). If
you press <Enter> from the Open prompt without entering a name, The
Aurora Editor will create a File Manager window for the current
- Enter the "fmgr" <F4> command ("File Manager.." from the "File"
menu) in the current Edit window to create a File Manager window for
the current directory.
- From an Edit window, position the mouse on the title bar and press
the right mouse button to create a File Manager window for the
current directory.
The File Manager 68
16-3 Changing the Directory Listing in a File Manager Window
It is not always necessary to create a new File Manager window for
each directory you wish to display. You can use a single File Manager
window to display any drive or directory on your computer.
To change the drive displayed in a File Manager window using the
mouse, click the left mouse button on the desired drive letter on the
drive menu. Using the keyboard, press the <Tab> key repeatedly until
the desired drive letter is highlighted and then press <Enter>, or
press the <Tab> key and then enter the drive letter.
To change the directory displayed in the File Manager window, position
the cursor to the desired directory and press <Enter>. To display the
directory using the mouse, position the mouse cursor to the directory
and double-click the left mouse button.
To display the parent directory using the keyboard:
- enter the "fpar" <Ctrl-Backspace> command, or:
- position the cursor to the "..\" directory and press <Enter>, or:
- use the <Tab> key to select the "" icon on the drive menu and
then press <Enter>
To display the parent directory using the mouse:
- click the left mouse button on the "" icon on the drive menu, or
- double-click the left mouse button on the "..\" directory
16-4 File Manager Commands
The Aurora Editor allows many commands such as Open, Move, Copy, etc,
to performed on files displayed in a File Manager window. You can
execute these commands by selecting them from the File Manager
"Command" pulldown menu, or by positioning the cursor next to the file
or directory and typing in the one-character "command code" for the
command you wish to enter. The "command code" is just the highlighted
character for the command on the "Command" pulldown menu. If you have
previously "marked" any files (see "Marking Files in the File Manager
16-5" below), then the command you selected will be performed on all
the marked files in the File Manager window.
The following section lists the File Manager commands. The one
character "command codes" are shown in angled brackets:
The File Manager 69
- fopen "Open" <e>, <o>, <z>, <Enter>, <Ctrl-Enter>
This command opens the file and displays it in an Edit window. You
can also open the file by double clicking the left mouse button over
the file. If you open the file by entering the "z" command code, the
new Edit window will be maximized.
Note that the <Enter> key will only open the file at the cursor,
even if multiple files are marked (see "Marking Files in the File
Manager" 16-5). This can be useful for viewing files while marking
Pressing <Ctrl-Enter> will open the file AND close the File Manager
window. The Aurora Editor can be configured so that the File Manager
window is always closed whenever a file is opened from it (see the
"FmgrQuit" setting in "Configuration - Open Options" 17-6).
If the left or right <Shift> key is pressed down when a file is
opened from the File Manager, the new Edit window will be tiled
(vertically) with all existing windows.
If multiple files are marked for opening, the "e" and "z" command
codes will load them all into one window. The "o" command code will
load each file into a separate window.
- fopen %b "Open Binary" <b>, <y>
This command opens the file in binary mode. The "Binary Line Length"
setting is used as the line length (see "Global Settings" 13-2). The
<y> command code will load all marked files into only one window,
whereas <b> will create a separate window for each file.
- fopenk "Open Key Macro" <k>
This command opens a key macro file. The file must be a valid key
macro file. If any conflict exists between old and new key macro
assignments, the new key assignments will replace the old key
- fmov "Move.." <m>
This command moves the file to another filename, directory, or
drive. You will be prompted for the new name. You can specify a
fully qualified filename, or just a drive or directory.
Directories cannot be moved in version 1.20.
- fcpy "Copy.." <c>
This command copies the file to another filename, directory, or
drive. You will be prompted for the new name. You can specify a
fully qualified filename, or just a drive or directory.
Directories cannot be copied in version 1.20.
The File Manager 70
- fdel "Delete" <d>, <Del>
This command deletes the file. The Aurora Editor can be configured
to delete files with or without user confirmation (see the "ConDel"
setting in "Configuration - Confirmations" 17-16). Empty Directories
can also be deleted. Directories containing files or other
directories cannot be deleted in version 1.20.
- fren "Rename.." <n>
This command changes the name of the file. You will be prompted for
the new name. This command can also be used to change directory
Note: the "Rename" command will ignore any marked files and only
works on the file or directory at the cursor (see "Marking Files in
the File Manager" 16-5).
- frun %c "Run" <r>
This command executes the file. The file must have a .COM, .EXE,
or .BAT extension.
- fprt "Print" <p>
This command prints the file using the current printer settings (see
"Configuration - Print Settings" 17-10). The contents of a directory
can also be printed with this command.
- fatt "Attributes.." <a>
This command prompts you to change the attributes of a file.
Directory attributes can also be changed.
- ftch "Touch" <t>
This command changes the file's date and time to the current date
and time. Directories cannot be "touched".
Other functions available on the File Manager "Command" menu are:
- fcred "Create Directory.."
This command prompts you for a directory name and creates a new
The File Manager 71
- askscan "Scan.." <Ctrl-S>
This command allows you to scan a directory or a "wildcard" file
specification for a character string (see "Search and Replace"
16-5 Marking Files in the File Manager
Marking files is a convenient way to execute a single File Manager
command on many files in a File Manager window. For example, you can
mark a number of files and then copy them all to another directory
with only one copy command, instead of copying each file individually.
To execute a File Manager command on marked files, simply mark the
files with any of the commands listed below and then enter the desired
command. The File Manager will automatically detect the presence of
marked files and execute the command on the marked files instead of
the file at the cursor. Marked files are indicated by a "" character
to the left of the filename.
You can use the following commands to mark and unmark files:
- fmtog "Mark Toggle" <Space Bar>
This command will toggle the current "marked state" of the file or
directory at the cursor. If the file is already marked, it will be
unmarked, otherwise it will be marked.
Holding the <Shift> key down while using the <cursorup> and
<cursordown> keys will also toggle the marked state of the file or
directory at the cursor. This can be useful for marking or unmarking
a series of contiguous files or directories.
- using the mouse
Hold the <Shift> key down while clicking the left mouse button over
the file or directory at the cursor. This will toggle the marked
state of the file or directory. With the left mouse button and
<Shift> keys still pressed down, drag the mouse to toggle the marked
state of series of contiguous files or directories.
- fmrk "Mark All" <Alt-M>
This command will mark all the files in the current File Manager
window. Directories will not be marked.
The File Manager 72
- fumrk "Unmark All" <Alt-U>
This command will unmark any marked files and directories in the
current File Manager window.
16-6 File Manager Sorting
The order of the files listed in the File Manager can be changed by
selecting the desired sort order from the File Manager "Sort"
pull-down menu. The configuration setting "FmgrSrt" determines the
default sort order when a File Manager window is created (see
"Configuration - Open Options" 17-6).
You can sort File Manager windows by entering the "fsrt" command with
the appropriate parameter:
- fsrt %n "Name" <Alt-N>
This command sorts the File Manager window by filename.
- fsrt %s "Size" <Alt-S>
This command sorts the File Manager window by file size in
descending order.
- fsrt %d "Date-Time" <Alt-D>
This command sorts the File Manager window by file date and time in
descending order.
- fsrt %o "OS Default" <Alt-O>
This command lists the File Manager window contents in the DOS
default order.
Configuration 73
17-1 Configuration
The Aurora Editor is a highly configurable editor. There are
configuration settings for video, mouse, window appearances, editing
preferences, printing, desktop, and much more.
Configuration settings are stored in the file ACFG.A as macro language
variables. You can quickly edit this file by entering the "opena
%acfg" command or by selecting the "Configuration.." menu item from
the "Macro" pulldown menu.
To change the value of a specific configuration setting, just locate
the configuration setting in the file ACFG.A and use The Aurora Editor
to type in the new value. Then save it <F3>, and enter the "setres"
<Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the "Set" pull-down menu). You
must exit and re-enter the editor for the new configuration setting to
take effect.
The following sections describe each of the configuration settings.
Acceptable values for each configuration setting are shown in
parentheses after the variable. Multiple values are separated by a
slash ('/'), and value ranges are indicated with a hyphen ('-'). For
configuration settings where "y/n" (Yes or No) can be specified,
specifying "null" (blank) is equivalent to specifying "n".
17-2 Configuration - Video
- VidCols (0/40/80)
The number of video columns. If zero is specified, The Aurora Editor
uses the current DOS default value. The installation default is 0.
- VidRows (0/12/14/21/25/28/43/50)
The number of video rows. If zero is specified, The Aurora Editor
uses the current DOS default value. The installation default is 0.
- VidStr
Specifies the string used to fill the video background. The string
may be 0-50 chars long. You can use this setting to create
interesting background patterns. The installation default is "░".
If "VidStr" is null or not specified, The Aurora Editor will not
change the screen background. The background will be whatever is on
the screen when the editor is started.
- VidSav (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the DOS screen should be captured and
restored when entering and exiting the editor (registered version
only). The installation default is "y"
Configuration 74
17-3 Configuration - Mouse
- Mouse (y/n)
Enables or disables mouse support. A text mode mouse driver
(MOUSE.COM, MOUSE.SYS, etc) must have been previously installed. A
special mouse driver may be required to operate the editor in a
video modes with 132 or more columns. The installation default is
- MouReverse (y/n)
Reverses the left and right mouse buttons. This can be useful for
left-handed mouse users. The installation default is "n".
- MouSenX (0-64)
Mouse sensitivity on the x-axis. The installation default is 5 (the
mouse driver default is 8).
- MouSenY (0-64)
Mouse sensitivity on the y-axis. The installation default is 12 (the
mouse driver default is 16).
- MouDst (0-128)
Mouse speed doubling threshold. The installation default is 50 (the
mouse driver default is 64).
- MouseDouble (0-1000)
The double click sensitivity. This setting specifies a time interval
in milliseconds below which two consecutive mouse button clicks are
considered to be a "double-click". The installation default value is
- MouHold (0-1000)
Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that a mouse button can
be held down on a scroll bar before repeating the scrolling
operation. The installation default is 300.
- MouDelay (0-1000)
Adjusts the scrolling speed when using the mouse. A value of zero is
no delay, 1000 is a one second delay. Using a value of zero on
faster computers may cause the mouse to scroll too fast (8, 16, 24,
or 32 are recommended if zero is too fast). The installation default
is zero.
Configuration 75
- MouMrkS (l/r/s)
Determines the default type of block mark created by single-clicking
the left mouse button, dragging the mouse, and releasing the left
mouse button. You can specify one of the following options:
l - line marks
r - column or rectangular marks
s - character or "stream" marks
Note: you can override the default mouse marking type by pressing
the <Alt>, <Ctrl>, or <Shift> keys when marking with the mouse (see
"Using Marked Blocks" 8-1).
- MouMrkD (l/r/s)
Determines the type of block mark created by double-clicking the
left mouse button, dragging the mouse, and releasing the left mouse
button. See "MouMrkS" above for a description of valid options.
17-4 Configuration - Word Processing
- TabWidth (0-15999)
Specifies the number of columns between tab stops for Interval Tabs.
The installation default is "8" (for a description of the TabWidth
setting see "Global Settings" 13-2).
- Tabs
Specifies the column positions to use for tabbing with the "ctab"
<Tab>, <Shift-Tab> command when "Variable Tabs" is set ON (for a
description of the Variable Tabs setting see "Window Settings"
The installation default is "4 8 16 24 50 72".
- VarTabs (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Variable Tabs setting should default to
"ON" for new Edit windows. The installation default is "n" (for a
description of the Variable Tabs setting, see "Window Settings"
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the Variable Tabs
setting when they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
Configuration 76
- SmartTabs (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Smart Tabs setting should default to
"ON" for new Edit windows. The installation default is "n" (for a
description of the Smart Tabs setting, see "Window Settings" 13-1).
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the Smart Tabs
setting when they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
- WordWrap (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Word Wrap setting should default to
"ON" for new Edit windows. The installation default is "n" (for a
description of the Word Wrap setting, see "Window Settings" 13-1).
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the Word Wrap setting
when they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
- LMargin (1-16000)
Specifies the default left margin for Edit windows. The installation
default is 3 (for a description of the Left Margin setting, see
"Global Settings" 13-2).
- RMargin (1-16000)
Specifies the default right margin for Edit windows. The
installation default is 72 (for a description of the Right Margin
setting, see "Global Settings" 13-2).
- Indent (0-15999)
Specifies the amount of columns to indent a paragraph when reflowing
a marked block. The installation default is zero (for a description
of the Paragraph Indent setting, see "Global Settings" 13-2).
17-5 Configuration - Default File Extensions
Default file extensions allow you to open a file at an Open prompt
without specifying a file extension. For example, if you frequently
edit the file "MYFILE.C" from a directory of all ".C" files, and ".C"
is one of your default file extensions, you need only enter the string
"MYFILE" at the Open prompt to open "MYFILE.C".
Configuration 77
You can specify any number of default file extensions. Just set the
configuration setting "DefExt" to a list of the default extensions you
wish to use, separated by one or more spaces. The default extensions
are "tried" in the order they are listed. For example:
DefExt @"c h txt"
Using the above example: if you specify a name with no extension at an
Open prompt, the editor will first try to open the file with the
extension ".c", then the extension ".h", and finally the extension
The following are the default file extensions at installation: "c h
cpp doc txt a asm pas inc bat".
17-6 Configuration - Open Options
- OpenOpt (z/f/c/n/e)
Sets the default size and placement of Edit and File Manager windows
on the screen (and whether or not new windows are created). You can
use one of the following values:
z - new windows are always maximized
f - new windows are always "full screen" (like maximized, but the
window borders are visible)
c - new windows are the same size as the topmost window and are
cascaded to bottom and left of the topmost window
n - new windows are minimized
e - a new window is not created when opening files. The file is
loaded into the current Edit window. This option is added
automatically if the "OneWindow" configuration setting is ON
(see "Configuration - Editing Preferences" 17-8).
The installation default is 'f'.
Note: If The Aurora Editor is configured to remember previous window
sizes and positions, "OpenOpt" applies only to new Edit and File
Manager windows which are not "remembered" from previous sessions
(see the "SaveWin" configuration setting 17-11).
- LineDlm
Specifies a line delimiter string of one or two bytes for opening
files in non-binary mode. The line delimiter string can be set
dynamically during an edit session (see the "Line Delimiter" setting
13-2). The installation default is "0D0Ah" (carriage return and
Configuration 78
- BinaryLength (1-16000)
Specifies the line length to use when opening files in binary mode.
The binary line length can also be set dynamically during an edit
session (see the "Binary Line Length" setting 13-2). The
installation default is 64.
- TruncLength (0-16000)
The length at which lines are truncated when opening files. A value
of zero indicates that the maximum line length (16000) should be
used. The installation default is zero.
- FmgrOpt (d/f/h/k)
Specifies options for displaying File Manager windows. You can use
any combination of the following values:
d - display subdirectories
f - display directories first when sorting by name
h - show hidden and system files
k - show file sizes and totals in 1K increments
The installation default is "dhf".
- FmgrSrt (n/s/d)
Specifies the default sort order for File Manager windows. You can
use one of the following values:
n - sort by name in ascending order
s - sort by size in descending order
d - sort by date and time in descending order
(null) - no sort (OS default order)
The installation default is "n".
- FmgrQuit (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the File Manager window is to be
automatically closed whenever a file is opened from it. The
installation default is "n".
Note: entering the "fopen %q" <Ctrl-Enter> command from a File
Manager window will also open the file at cursor AND close the File
Manger window.
Configuration 79
17-7 Configuration - Save Options
- Backup (y/n)
Specifies whether or not a file should be backed-up when it is
saved. The backup location is determined by the "BakDir" setting
(see below). The installation default is "y".
- BakDir
Specifies the path where backup copies of a file are to be placed
when saving the file (the "Backup" setting must be set to "y"). If
"BakDir" is null, then the backup copy is placed in the same
directory as the original file, but with the extension defined by
the "BakExt" configuration setting (see below). The installation
default for BakDir is null.
- BakExt
Specifies the backup file extension to use when the "BakDir"
configuration setting is null (see above). The installation default
is "BAK".
- SaveEOF (y/n)
Specifies whether or not a Ctrl-Z (end-of-file) character is to be
appended to the end of the file when saving. The installation
default is "n".
- AutoSave (0-2147483)
Specifies the number of seconds between automatic saves for the
current Edit window. A value of zero disables Autosave. The
installation default is zero.
Note: Automatic saves will occur only if the file has been modified
since the last save.
17-8 Configuration - Editing Preferences
- UndoSize (0-2147483647)
Sets the limit on the number of editing changes that can be undone
with the Undo and Redo commands. The installation default is 300.
Configuration 80
- HistSize (0-1000)
Sets the limit on the number of previously entered prompt strings or
"history" which can be retrieved for each prompt (see "Prompts"
2-6). The installation default is 50.
If the configuration setting "SaveWin" is ON, the HistSize setting
also determines the maximum number of Edit and File Manager windows
that will remember their positions and sizes.
Note: if the "SaveHis" configuration setting is ON, and HistSize is
set to very large values, it can lengthen the initial time to load
the editor and the time to exit the editor. Don't set HistSize much
higher than you really need.
- ClipName
Specifies the default clipboard name. The installation default is
- Insert (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the cursor will default to insert or
overlay mode for new Edit windows and prompts. The installation
default is "n".
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the insert mode when
they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
- EnterIns (i/s/null)
Specifies what action to take in an Edit window when insert mode is
ON and the "enteredit" <Enter> command is entered. You can choose
one of the following values:
s - splits the current line at the cursor and moves the cursor to
the beginning of the next line
i - inserts a new line and moves the cursor to the beginning of
the new line.
null - moves the cursor the beginning of the next line
The installation default is OFF.
- EnterOvl (i/s/null)
Specifies what action to take in an Edit window when insert mode is
OFF and the <Enter> key is pressed (See "EnterIns" above for a
description of the valid values for this setting). The installation
default is OFF.
Configuration 81
- TabShift (y/n)
Specifies whether or not text is to be shifted left or right with
the cursor when insert mode is ON and the "ctab" commands <Tab>,
<Shift-Tab> are is entered. The installation default is "y".
- AutoIndent (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the AutoIndent setting should default to ON
for new Edit windows (see the "AutoIndent Setting" 13-1). The
installation default is "y".
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the autoindent
setting when they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
- CopyLine (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the "mcpy" command <Alt-C> ("Copy" on the
"Block" pull-down menu) should repeat the current line if no marked
block exists. The installation default is "y".
- DelLine (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the "mdel" command <Alt-D> ("Delete" on the
"Block" pull-down menu) should delete the current line if no marked
block exists. The installation default is "n".
- AutoMark (p/l)
Specifies the default mark that some block commands should use when
no marked block exists. This can be especially useful for block
commands like "mrfl %b" <Alt-R> ("Reflow" on the "Block" pull-down
menu). For example, if AutoMark is set to "ptb", you can reflow a
paragraph simply by placing the cursor in the paragraph and pressing
<Alt-R>, without marking and unmarking a block.
You can choose any one of the following values for AutoMark:
p - mark the paragraph at the cursor
l - mark the line at the cursor
null - disable AutoMark
If "p" is specified, one or both of the following values must also
be specified:
t - extend the mark from the cursor to the top of the paragraph
b - extend the mark from the cursor to the bottom of the paragraph
Configuration 82
Commands that use the AutoMark setting are:
- mshf "Shift Left", "Shift Right"
- askmfill "Fill"
- mrfl "Reflow", "Reflow Rjust"
- mcase "Uppercase", "Lowercase", "Flipcase"
- msrt "Sort"
- mjust "Left Justify", "Right Justify", "Center"
- mfld "Fold Block", "Fold Block Flat"
- clpcpy clipboard "Cut", "Cut Append", "Copy", "Copy Append"
The installation default for AutoMark is "ptb".
- MoveMark (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the marked block is to be relocated along
with the text during a block copy or overlay. The installation
default is "y".
- DrawMark (y/n)
Specifies whether or not a marked block can be resized with the
cursor keys after the mark is created. DrawMark applies only to the
"mset" command (Mark Character, Mark Column, and Mark Line), not to
"wrdmrk" (Mark Word), "meol" (Mark to EOL), or "mpgh" (Mark
Paragraph). The installation default is "y".
- CurHigh (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Edit window cursor line should be
highlighted. The installation default is "y".
- RepEnd (y/n)
Specifies whether or not consecutively entered "ceol" <End> and
"chome" <Home> commands should be repeated on the next or previous
line. The installation default is "n".
- DelJoin (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the "delch" <Del> and "wrddel" <Ctrl-T>
commands should join lines when the cursor is at the end of a line.
The installation default is "y".
- BakJoin (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the "baksp" <BackSpace> command should join
the current line with the previous line when the cursor is at column
one. The installation default is "y".
Configuration 83
- BakOvl (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the "baksp" <BackSpace> command should
overlay columns with blank spaces when insert mode is ON, instead of
shifting text to the left. The installation default is "n".
- LineStyle (0/1/2/3/4)
Specifies the default Line Style to be used when Line Draw is ON.
You can choose one of the following values:
0 - single line
1 - double horizontal line
2 - double vertical line
3 - double line
4 - erase
The installation default is 0.
- FastCursor (0-5)
Specifies the amount of extra lines or columns to scroll when
attempting to move the cursor beyond the edge of the screen. The
installation default is 0.
- MatchChar (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Match Character setting should default
to ON for new Edit windows (see the "Match Character Setting" 12.1).
The installation default is "n".
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the Match Character
setting when they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
- MultCopy (y/n)
Specifies whether or not The Aurora Editor will allow you to edit
more than one copy of the same file (or display more than one File
Manager window with the same directory listing) at the same time.
The installation default is "n".
- OneWindow (y/n)
Specifies whether or not some editor commands will favor a
many-to-one "file to window" ratio over a one-to-one "file to
window" ratio. If this option is "y", the editor will behave in the
following ways:
- new files will be loaded into the current Edit window
- the "fquit" <Alt-Q> command closes the file, not the window
- the "wquit" <Ctrl-K-Q> command closes the window, not the file
The installation default is "n" (see also "Saving and Discarding
Files" 5-2).
Configuration 84
- CurOT (0-99)
Specifies the top of the visible cursor in overlay mode (on a scale
of 0-99 with 0 at the top). The installation default is 80.
- CurOB (0-99)
Specifies the bottom of the visible cursor in overlay mode. The
installation default is 90.
- CurIT (0-99)
Specifies the top of the visible cursor in insert mode. The
installation default is 50.
- CurIB (0-99)
Specifies the bottom of the visible cursor in insert mode. The
installation default is 90.
- SearchOpt (i/r/b/g/w)
Specifies the default search options for the find, replace, and scan
dialog boxes and prompts. The following options may be specified:
i - ignore case
r - search in reverse
b - marked block only
g - global search
w - whole words only
The installation default is "i" (ignore case). See the section
"Search and Replace" (11-1) for a detailed description of search
- ReplaceOpt (a)
Specifies the default replace options for the replace dialog box or
prompt. The following option may be specified:
a - replace all occurrences without prompting
See the section "Search and Replace" (11-1) for a detailed
description of replace options. The installation default is null
(verify replacement).
- SearchWrap (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the "finl" <Ctrl-L> (repeat last
find/replace) command should wrap to the top or bottom of the file
when the search string is not found. The installation default is
Configuration 85
- EOTLine
This setting specifies the string to be used as the "End-of-Text"
line on Edit windows. If NULL is specified, the default End-of-Text
Line is:
"≡≡≡≡≡≡ End of Text ≡≡≡≡≡≡".
The installation default is null.
- ExitOpen (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Open promt is to be displayed when
closing the last window in an edit session. If "n" is specified,
closing the last window will return you to DOS. The installation
default is "n".
Note: the open prompt is not displayed when exiting the editor via
the "gquit %p" <Alt-X> or "gquit %f" commands.
- Prompts
This setting is a 20 character string with "switches" at each
character position that allow you to individually tailor most editor
prompts. Each character position or "switch" in the string
corresponds to a specific editor prompt and may be one of the
following values:
0 - (command line prompt) The prompt occupies only one line and
is displayed at the top or bottom of the window.
1 - (one-line box) The prompt occupies 3 lines (2 borders and 1
command line) and is displayed immediately above or below the
current cursor position.
2 - (dialog box) The prompt is a dialog box.
The following table shows the Prompt string positions and the
associated prompts:
1 - open 11 - macro command
2 - open and insert 12 - key macro open
3 - rename 13 - key macro save
4 - save as 14 - place & go to bookmark
5 - os command 15 - block fill
6 - save block 16 - open binary
7 - find
8 - replace 18 - global settings
9 - go to line & column 19 - user defined prompts
10 - scan files 20 - file mgr command prompts
Configuration 86
For example, the prompt string "01111102111111111111" will set the
"Open" and "Find" prompts to be command line prompts, the "Replace"
prompt to be a full dialog box, and all other prompts to be one-line
The installation default is "11111111111111111111" (all one-line
17-9 Configuration - Window Preferences
- EditStyle (n/s/m/h/v/1)
Specifies the window features to be displayed for Edit windows. You
can specify any of the following options:
n - north title bar
s - south title bar
m - menu bar
h - horizontal scroll bar
v - vertical scroll bar
1 - tool bar
The installation default is "nsmhv".
- EditTitle (n/s/l/c/r)
Specifies the location of the Edit window title. You can specify one
of the following:
n - north title bar
s - south title bar
You can also specify one of the following:
l - left justified
c - centered
r - right justified
The installation default is "nl".
- EditStatus (n/s/l/c/r)
Specifies the location of the Edit window status line. (See
"EditTitle" above for valid options). The installation default is
Configuration 87
- EditCtls (n/s)
Specifies which Edit window title bar is to contain the title bar
controls. You can specify one of the following:
n - north title bar
s - south title bar
The installation default is "n".
- FmgrStyle (n/s/m/h/v)
Specifies the window features to be displayed for File Manager
windows (see "EditStyle" above for valid options). The installation
default is "nsmhv".
- FmgrTitle (n/s/l/c/r)
Specifies the location of the File Manager window title. (See
"EditTitle" above for valid options). The installation default is
- FmgrStatus (n/s/l/c/r)
Specifies the location of the File Manager window status line. (See
"EditTitle" above for valid options). The installation default is
- FmgrCtls (n/s)
Specifies which File Manager window title bar is to contain the
title bar controls (See "EditCtls" above for valid options). The
installation default is "n".
- BoxStyle (f/i/o/0/1/2/3/4/5/6)
Specifies the border style for one-line box prompt windows. You can
specify one of the following:
f - flat
i - inward 3D effect
o - outward 3D effect
You can also specify a border type from 0 to 6:
Configuration 88
0 - blank
1 - single line
2 - double horizontal
3 - double vertical
4 - double line
5 - solid
6 - blank
The installation default is "i1".
- DlgStyle (f/i/o/0/1/2/3/4/5/6)
Specifies the border style for dialog box prompt windows. See
"BoxStyle" above for valid options. The installation default is
- TileNum (1-5)
This option is used to configure the window "Tiling" commands. It
specifies the maximum number of tiles which can exist on the screen
before they are split in both horizontal and vertical directions.
The installation default is 3.
17-10 Configuration - Print Settings
Print settings are available for controlling the format of printed
output. These settings can be changed during an edit session using the
"askprtset" command (see "Printing" 12-1). The Print Settings are:
- PrtDev (PRN/LPT1/LPT2/LPT3/LPT4/COM1/COM2 or filename)
Specifies the printer device to be used for printing. If a filename
is specified, all printer output will be routed to the file. The
installation default is "PRN".
- PrtPag (0-65535)
Specifies the "Lines per Page" of printed output. This includes the
Top and Bottom Margins (if any). After the specified lines per page
have been printed, a formfeed character (ascii 12) will be sent to
the printer and a new page will be started.
If PrtPag is zero, printing will be continuous (no formfeed
characters will be sent to the printer). The current printer
settings for Top Margin, Bottom Margin, Header, Footer, and Page
number will be ignored. If you already have special printer control
characters embedded in your text, it is probably best to set PrtPag
to zero.
The installation default for PrtPag is 0.
Configuration 89
- PrtSpace (0-65535)
This setting determines the number of lines to advance after
printing each line of output. A value of 1 generates single-spaced
output, 2 generates double-spaced output, and so on. The
installation default for PrtSpace is 1.
- PrtCop (0-65535)
This setting determines the number of copies to print. The
installation default is 1.
- PrtIni
Specifies a printer-specific control string to be sent to the
printer before each print command. The installation default is null.
- PrtTop (0-65535)
Specifies the number of blank lines to precede the printed output at
the top of each page. This value is included in the PrtPag ("Lines
per Page") setting. The installation default is zero.
This setting is ignored if PrtPag ("Lines per Page") is set to zero.
- PrtBot (0-65535)
Specifies the number of blank lines to follow the printed output at
the end of each page. This value is included in the PrtPag ("Lines
per Page") setting. The installation default is zero.
This setting is ignored if PrtPag ("Lines per Page") is set to zero.
- PrtLeft (0-255)
Specifies the number of blank columns to precede the printed output
on each line. The installation default is zero.
- PrtRight (0-65535)
Specifies the column position at which to truncate each printed
line. This column position is relative to column zero of the printed
output, NOT the file being printed. If zero is specified, lines are
not truncated. The installation default is zero.
- PrtOpt (h/f/p/l/e/s)
This setting allows you specify additional default print options.
You can specify any of the following options:
Configuration 90
h - prints a "header" at the top of each page. The header is a
left justified string consisting of the filename being printed
and the current date and time. The header uses 2 or 3 lines of
the printed output (the header line, an optional separator
line, and a blank line). This option is ignored if PrtPag
("Lines per Page") is set to zero.
f - prints a "footer" at the bottom of each page. The footer is a
left justified string consisting of the filename being printed
and the current date and time. The footer uses 2 or 3 lines of
the printed output (a blank line, an optional separator line,
and the footer line). This option is ignored if PrtPag ("Lines
per Page") is set to zero.
p - prints a right-justified page number on the header and footer
lines. If neither a header or footer was specified, a blank
header line is assumed. This option is ignored if PrtPag
("Lines per Page") is set to zero.
l - prints the line number (in the file) at the beginning of each
e - sends a formfeed character to the printer when printing is
s - prints a separator line after the header line and before the
footer line.
The installation default is "hpes".
17-11 Configuration - Desktop Options
- SaveWin (y/n)
For Edit windows and File Manager windows, this setting specifies
whether or not window sizes, positions, settings, and cursor
positions should be remembered when the window is closed and
restored when the window is re-opened. The installation default is
The "HistSize" setting determines the maximum number of windows that
will remember their sizes, positions, etc. When a new Edit window or
File Manager window is opened which is not a "remembered" window,
the least-recently remembered window is "forgotten" and the new
window becomes one of the "remembered" windows. The number of
"remembered" windows does not exceed HistSize.
Configuration 91
- SaveHis (y/n)
Specifies whether or not prompt history and window sizes, positions,
etc should be saved in the file A.HIS when exiting the editor and
reloaded when re-entering the editor. The installation default is
- SaveMac (y/n)
Specifies whether or not all resident key macros should be saved in
the file "A.MAC" when exiting the editor and reloaded when
re-entering. The installation default is "n".
- BootOpt (d/f/o)
Determines what action to take when the editor is loaded without
specifying a filename or directory after the "A" or "A3" command.
One of the following options may be specified:
d - restores the previous desktop layout. The "SaveHis"
configuration setting must also be set to "y" (see above).
f - opens a File Manager window for the current directory
o - displays an Open prompt
The installation default is "d".
17-12 Configuration - Memory Options
- MaxXMS (-1 - 67108)
- MaxEMS (-1 - 32767)
These configuration settings specify the maximum amount of Extended
Memory "XMS" and Expanded Memory "EMS" (in kilobytes) which The
Aurora Editor may use when conventional memory (below 640k) is
exhausted. If the amount specified is "-1", or is more than what is
available, then the maximum available amount will be used. If zero
is specified, then the usage of XMS and/or EMS memory will be
disabled. The installation default is -1 (available maximum) for
both "MaxXMS" and "MaxEMS".
XMS and EMS memory are not required by The Aurora Editor, but they
can speed up some editing operations when you are working with
single or multiple files which are larger than the amount of
available conventional memory. In memory intensive situations, The
Aurora Editor will first try to use XMS memory, then EMS memory, and
then swap to disk if XMS or EMS are not available.
Configuration 92
Note that it can be useful to restrict the amount of XMS or EMS
memory used by The Aurora Editor to less than the available maximum.
The editor will use only as much XMS and EMS as it needs. However if
you are editing large files and executing programs from within the
editor that use XMS or EMS (or that use DOS extenders which use XMS
or EMS), these programs may not run correctly if The Aurora Editor
has already allocated all available XMS or EMS.
To allow The Aurora Editor to use XMS or EMS memory, you must also
have previously installed an XMS-compatible or EMS-compatible
driver, such as QEMM-386 from Quarterdeck Office Systems or 386MAX
from Qualitas, Inc. If you have DOS 5.0 or higher, you can use the
XMS driver HIMEM.SYS and the EMS driver EMM386.EXE. Note that in
order to use EMS memory, you must have at least a full contiguous
64k page frame available. Check your EMS driver documentation for
details on how to configure the page frame.
When the XMS and EMS drivers are installed, you can display the
amount of available XMS and EMS memory from DOS by using the DOS
"MEM" command (DOS 5.0 or greater).
- SwapFile1
Specifies the swapfile name to be used for the primary swapfile. The
installation default is "c:\aurora@1.swp".
- SwapFile2
Specifies the swapfile name to be used for the secondary swapfile.
The secondary swapfile should always be on a different drive than
the primary swapfile. The secondary swapfile will only be used if
there is not enough space on the drive containing the primary
swapfile. The installation default is "d:\aurora@2.swp".
17-13 Configuration - Other Options
- KeyEnh (y/n)
Enables or disables checking for the enhanced keyboard. This option
must be set to "y" to use the enhanced keyboard keys (F11, F12, grey
cursor keys, etc). The installation default is "y".
- KeyPad (y/n)
Enables or disables use of the grey keypad keys (*,-,+,Enter) as
function keys (this option should be disabled if you are using the
editor for keypad data entry). The installation default is "y".
Configuration 93
- KeyTrim (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the keyboard buffer should be "trimmed" to
prevent it from filling up on very slow machines. Turning this
setting ON may cause some TSR's that fill the keyboard buffer to
work incorrectly. The installation default is "n".
- Sound (y/n)
Enables or disables sound. The installation default is "y".
- SoundF
Specifies the sound frequency in hertz for beep messages. The
installation default is 200.
17-14 Configuration - Character Sets
Character sets are used to define a "word" for some editor commands.
Characters sets are defined by creating a string containing all the
characters in the character set. Character "ranges" can be abbreviated
by using hyphens (-) (A-Z, 0-9, etc).
The default character sets are:
- CSetA
The definition of a "word" for commands operating on normal text.
The installation default is "a-zA-Z0-9_".
- CSetB
The definition of a "word" for commands operating on file names. The
installation default is "a-zA-Z0-9_()\-./\\@{}~:^!#$%&`'".
- CSet
The "default" character set. The installation default is "CSetA"
The following commands use character sets:
- wrddel CSet "Delete Word" <Ctrl-T>
- wrdmrk CSet "Mark Word" <Alt-1>
- cwrd %l CSet (find left word) <Ctrl-Left>
- cwrd %r CSet (find right word) <Ctrl-Right>
- wrdlod CSetB (load file at the cursor) <Ctrl-]>
- all search & replace commands using the "Whole Words"
search option (uses "CSet")
Configuration 94
17-15 Configuration - Text Translation
See Text Translation (18-7) for a detailed description of text
- TextTran (y/n)
Specifies whether or not the Text Translation setting should default
to "ON" for new Edit windows. The installation default is "n".
If "SaveWin" is ON, Edit windows will remember the Text Translation
setting when they are closed and restore it when they are re-opened.
- TranObj
Specifies the name of the macro language object to be used for Text
Translation. This variable can be changed dynamically through the
macro language. The installation default is "trn".
- TranCSet
Specifies the character set used to define a word for Text
Translation. Character "ranges" can be abbreviated by using hyphens
(A-Z, 0-9, etc). This variable can be changed dynamically through
the macro language. The installation default is @"a-zA-Z0-9_;"
17-16 Configuration - Confirmations
- ConDel (y/n)
Specifies whether or not you wish to be prompted when files are
deleted. The installation default is "y".
- ConRpl (y/n)
Specifies whether or not you wish to be prompted when files are
replaced. The installation default is "y".
- ConTch (y/n)
Specifies whether or not you wish to be prompted when files are
touched. The installation default is "y".
17-17 Configuration - Colors
Colors attributes can be changed by setting the "coXXXX" configuration
settings to the desired color attributes. You can change the color
attributes for the screen background, Edit windows, File Manager
windows, prompts, dialog boxes, and the screen border.
Configuration 95
See the comments in the configuration file ACFG.A for a description of
each of color setting.
Color attributes for any desired color can be obtained by selecting a
foreground number and a background number from the following tables,
and adding them together:
Foreground: Background:
0 black 8 dark gray 0 black 128 dark gray
1 blue 9 light blue 16 blue 144 light blue
2 green 10 light green 32 green 160 light green
3 cyan 11 light cyan 48 cyan 176 light cyan
4 red 12 light red 64 red 192 light red
5 magenta 13 light magenta 80 magenta 208 light magenta
6 brown 14 yellow 96 brown 224 yellow
7 gray 15 white 112 gray 240 white
For example, the color attribute for a white foreground on a blue
background is 31 (15 + 16).
17-18 Configuration - Borders
- Shadow (0-5)
Specifies the thickness of the "shadow" on the right and bottom
window borders. Specifying a thickness greater than one may provide
better 3-D contrast in "denser" video modes. The installation
default is 1.
- BorT
Specifies the border type to use for Edit windows and File Manager
windows. You can choose one of the following border types:
0 - expanded borders
1 - single line
2 - double horizontal
3 - double vertical
4 - double line
5 - solid
6 - blank
If "expanded" is specified, you can further configure the border
appearance with the BorX, BorY, and BorO configuration settings
(see below). The installation default is 0 ("expanded").
Configuration 96
- BorX (0-10)
Specifies the left and right border thickness for "expanded"
borders. The installation default is 1.
- BorY (0-10)
Specifies the top and bottom border thickness for "expanded"
borders. The installation default is 1.
- BorO (0-10)
Specifies the amount of overlap on the "expanded" border corners.
The installation default is 2.
Redefining the Keyboard 97
18-1 Redefining the Keyboard
Note: In reading through the following sections on redefining the
keyboard, mouse, and menus, it may be helpful to refer to the "Aurora
Editor Macro Language Guide" (AML.DOC).
Key definitions and user macro code are stored in the file AKBD.A. You
can quickly edit this file by entering the "opena %akbd" command or by
selecting the "Keys.." item from the "Macro" pulldown menu.
The key definitions in AKBD.A are actually source code written in The
Aurora Macro Language. They are compiled and included into A.X when
the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the "Set"
pull-down menu) is entered.
A key definition is really just a function defined within an Aurora
Macro Language "event object" in the file AKBD.A. There are event
objects for Edit windows, File Manager windows, Prompt windows, etc.
For example:
obj edit (
fun k_f9 (osshell).
fun k_a_q (quit %p).
The above code defines two keys in the event object "edit" (which is
active only for Edit windows). The <F9> key is defined to shell out
to DOS, and the <Alt-Q> key is defined to close the current window.
To change an existing key definition, simply locate the key definition
in the file AKBD.A and use The Aurora Editor to change the function
name (the "key name") or the function body (the "key definition")
according to your preferences. The function name must be a key
function name recognized by The Aurora Editor (see below). Then save
AKBD.A <F3>, and enter the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore
Settings" on the "Set" pull-down menu). You must exit and re-enter the
editor for the new key definition to take effect.
To add a new key definition, first decide in what types of windows you
would like the key you are defining to be active, and then determine
the right "event object" for those window types. You can choose from
the following event objects:
edit - Edit windows only
fmgr - File Manager windows only
edit-fmgr - Edit windows and File Manager windows
prompt - prompts and edit fields, Edit windows
win - movable or sizable windows
mon - all windows
Redefining the Keyboard 98
After you have determined the appropriate event object, locate the
definition for the event object in AKBD.A and enter the new key
definition function in the event object body. You must use a key
function name which The Aurora Editor recognizes. For example:
obj edit ( // the "edit" event object
. // event object body
fun k_f4 (file). // new key definition
. // key func name <F4>
After you have entered the new key definition, save AKBD.A <F3>, and
enter the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the "Set"
pulldown menu). You must exit and re-enter the editor for the new key
definition to take effect.
Mouse event handlers can also be redefined in the same way as keyboard
definitions. As with key definitions, mouse function names must be
recognized by The Aurora Editor (see "Mouse Function Names" 18-4).
If you change keyboard definitions, you will probably also want to
change any menu definitions which show the old key definitions. You
may also want to update The Aurora Editor Quick Reference (AREF.DOC).
18-2 Key Function Names
When defining a key function, you must use a key name recognized by
The Aurora Editor. By convention, key names are always in lower case
and begin with "k_". <Ctrl> key names begin with "k_c_", <Alt> key
names begin with "k_a_", and <Shift> key names begin with "k_s_".
To use the enhanced keyboard function keys (f11, f12, etc), the
"KeyEnh" configuration setting must be set to "y" (see "Configuration
- Other Options" 17-13).
The following key names are recognized by The Aurora Editor (enhanced
keyboard keys are prefixed with an asterisk "*"):
Key Function Names 99
Standard/Shift Keys Control Keys Alt Keys
─────────────────── ──────────── ────────
k_f1 - k_f10 k_c_f1 - k_c_f10 k_a_f1 - k_a_f10
*k_f11 - k_f12 *k_c_f11 - k_c_f12 *k_a_f11 - k_a_f12
k_s_f1 - k_s_f10
*k_s_f11 - k_s_f12
k_c_a - k_c_z k_a_a - k_a_z
k_a_0 - k_a_9
k_backspace k_c_backspace *k_a_backspace
k_tab *k_c_tab *k_a_tab
k_enter k_c_enter *k_a_enter
k_esc *k_a_esc
k_left k_c_left *k_a_left
k_right k_c_right *k_a_right
k_up *k_c_up *k_a_up
k_down *k_c_down *k_a_down
k_home k_c_home *k_a_home
k_end k_c_end *k_a_end
k_pgdn k_c_pgup *k_a_pgup
k_pgup k_c_pgdn *k_a_pgdn
k_ins *k_c_ins *k_a_ins
k_del *k_c_del *k_a_del
*k_pad5 *k_c_pad5
k_c_\ *k_a_\
k_c_] *k_a_]
k_c_- k_a_-
*k_c_grey/ *k_a_grey/
k_grey* *k_c_grey* *k_a_grey*
k_grey- *k_c_grey- *k_a_grey-
k_grey+ *k_c_grey+ *k_a_grey+
*k_greyenter *k_c_greyenter *k_a_greyenter
k_chr (non-function keys)
Defining Compound Keys 100
18-3 Defining Compound Keys
The Aurora Editor also allows you to define "compound keys". A
Compound key is a combination of keys that act like one function key.
Using compound keys can greatly expand the number of available
function keys, or help to make The Aurora Editor behave like another
editor or word processor.
To form a compound key name, just concatenate all the composite key
names (discarding the "k_" prefix), and separate them with the "+"
character. Then attach the "k_" prefix to the beginning of the
compound key.
For example, "k_f1+f2" is the compound key name for <F1> and <F2>.
"k_c_d+a_s+f3" is a compound key name composed of the 3 function keys:
<Ctrl-D>, <Alt-S>, and <F3>. Compound keys names may also have a
non-function key as the last key. For example, "k_c_d+k" is a valid
compound key.
To define compound keys, first define all keys in the compound key
series (except for the last) as compound key "prefixes". This is done
using the "keyx" function. For example:
obj edit (
fun k_c_d (keyx "k_c_d"). // define prefix "<Ctrl-D>"
fun k_c_d+f1 (save). // "<Ctrl-D>,<F1>" saves the file
fun k_c_d+f2 (keyx "k_c_d+f2"). // define prefix "<Ctrl-D>,<F2>"
fun k_c_d+f2+a (quit %p). // "<Ctrl-D>,<F2>,<A>" quits the file
Note that when a function key is defined as a compound key prefix, it
can no longer be used as a "normal" function key for another function.
Compound keys have one restriction: you cannot assign a key macro to a
compound key.
The following compound key prefixes are defined in AKBD.A at
installation time:
- k_c_k <Ctrl K>
- k_c_o <Ctrl O>
- k_c_q <Ctrl Q>
Mouse Function Names 101
18-4 Mouse Function Names
You can configure the way Aurora Editor handles the mouse by creating
your own "mouse event handler" functions. You can change existing
mouse definitions and add new definitions just as you would for the
keyboard (see "Redefining the Keyboard" 18-1).
When defining a mouse handler function, you must use a mouse function
name recognized by The Aurora Editor. By convention, mouse function
names are always in lower case and begin with "m_". Mouse left button
function names begin with "m_l_", mouse right button function names
begin with "m_r_", and mouse center button function names begin with
A mouse function name will have the suffix "_client" if the mouse
event originated in a window client area, "_border" if it originated
on a window border, or "_bkgnd" if it originated on the video
The following mouse function names are recognized by The Aurora
m_move_client m_move_border m_move_bkgnd
m_l_down_client m_l_down_border m_l_down_bkgnd
m_l_up_client m_l_up_border m_l_up_bkgnd
m_l_dbclick_client m_l_dbclick_border m_l_dbclick_bkgnd
m_c_down_client m_c_down_border m_c_down_bkgnd
m_c_up_client m_c_up_border m_c_up_bkgnd
m_c_dbclick_client m_c_dbclick_border m_c_dbclick_bkgnd
m_r_down_client m_r_down_border m_r_down_bkgnd
m_r_up_client m_r_up_border m_r_up_bkgnd
m_r_dbclick_client m_r_dbclick_border m_r_dbclick_bkgnd
18-5 Defining Menus
The Aurora Editor has a fully configurable menu system. It's easy to
redefine the menu bars and pull-down menus according to your own
preferences for both Edit windows and File Manager windows. You can
also redefine the Edit window tool bar to your own preferences.
Menu definition macros are stored in the file AMEN.A. You can edit
this file by entering the "opena %amen" command or selecting the
"Menus.." item from the "Macro" pulldown menu.
Defining Menus 102
The Menu definitions in AMEN.A are actually source code written in The
Aurora Macro Language. They are compiled and included into A.X when
the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the "Set"
pull-down menu) is entered.
The following function definition in AMEN.A sets the menu bar for all
Edit windows:
fun EditMen (
winmen @ @ %&File %&Window %&Block %&Search %F&old %&Edit
%&Clip %&Print %Se&t %M&acro %&Help.
In the above function definition, the menu bar items are the "winmen"
arguments "%&File" "%&Window", "%&Block", etc. Spaces must separate
the menu bar items, and each menu bar item must be preceded by a "%"
character, or enclosed in double quotes. Each menu bar item may also
contain one ampersand (&) character which indicates that the character
which follows is to be highlighted when displayed. To add or remove a
menu bar item, just modify the "winmen" statement according to your
To define a pull-down menu, use the "texmen" function. For example,
consider the following menu-pulldown definition which creates the
"Print" pulldown menu for all Edit windows:
texmen %editPrint
" &Print Alt-P|print"
" Print &Block Ctrl-P|print %m"
" Print &Formfeed|prtstr (byte 12)"
" Print &Settings..|askprtset".
The first argument to the function texmen ("editPrint" in the example
above) must be the name of the associated menu bar item prefixed by
either "edit" for Edit windows or "fmgr" for File Manager windows.
After the first argument, all arguments to "texmen" define a line on
the pull-down menu. These arguments have the following format:
"display string | macro"
The display string may contain one ampersand (&) character to indicate
which character is to be highlighted. For example, in the Print
pull-down menu example above, the last pull down menu item definition
" Print &Settings..|askprtset"
Defining Menus 103
For this menu item, the display string is " Print Settings.." with the
"S" highlighted. The macro is "askprtset", which is executed whenever
the menu item is selected.
To create a "separator line" on a menu, specify "─" as an argument to
the "texmen" function.
You can use the "mens" command to create "sub-menus". For example,
consider the following argument to the texmen function:
" Mar&k.. |mens %editMark"
This argument will create the menu item " Mar&k.. " and
associate it with the command "mens %editMark". When this menu item is
selected, the menu "editMark" is displayed. "editMark" must be the
name of another pull-down menu created with the "texmen" function.
You can modify any menu bar or pull-down definition you wish, except
for the first eight lines of the Edit window "Set" pulldown. The
Aurora Editor expects these eight menu items to remain the same.
When you have completed your changes to the file AMEN.A, save it <F3>,
and enter the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the
"Set" pulldown menu). You must exit and re-enter the editor for the
new menu definitions to take effect.
18-6 The Tool Bar
Each Edit window in The Aurora Editor has an optional "Tool Bar" which
can be displayed or hidden on demand using the following command from
the "Window" pull-down menu:
- wtool "Tool Bar" <Ctrl-F8>
This command displays (or hides) the tool bar on the current Edit
window. The tool bar is located underneath the Edit window menu and
contains user-definable "controls" which allow easy access to
commonly-used commands.
The ToolBar 104
The default tool bar controls are:
<≡> - close the tool bar
<?> - tool bar help
<*> - display a File Manager window
</> - copy the current window
<─> - split the current window horizontally
<|> - split the current window vertically
<o> - display the "Open" prompt
<s> - save the file in the current Edit window
<F> - display the "Find" prompt
<f> - execute the last "Find" or "Replace" command
<r> - reflow a block
<«> - undo the last change
<»> - redo the last change
<>> - fold a block
<<> - unfold a block
The tool bar layout is defined in the file AMEN.A. You can edit this
file by entering the "opena %amen" command or selecting the "Menus.."
item from the "Macro" pulldown menu.
The following function definition in AMEN.A sets the tool bar for all
Edit windows:
fun EditMen (
winmen @ 1 %<&&≡> %<&&?> %<&&*> %<&&/> %<&&─> %<&&|> %<&&o> %<&&s>
%<&&F> %<&&f> %<&&r> %<&&«> %<&&»> %<&&>> %<&&<>.
In the function definition above, the tool bar controls are the
"winmen" arguments "%<&&≡>", "%<&&?>", etc. Spaces must separate the
tool bar controls and each tool bar control must be preceded by the
"%" character, or enclosed in double quotes. Each menu bar item may
also contain two back-to-back ampersand (&&) characters which
indicates that the character which follows is to be highlighted (with
the title bar control color) when displayed . To add, change, or
remove a tool bar control, just modify the "winmen" statement
according to your preferences.
When you define a new tool bar control, you must also define what
macro command the tool bar control executes. This is done by adding a
tool bar control function to the "edit" object in the file AKBD.A, in
the same way that a key definition would be added (see "Defining the
Keyboard 18-1). For example:
The ToolBar 105
obj edit (
// tool bar
fun <*> (fmgr). // displays the File Manager
fun <o> (askopen). // displays the Open prompt
When you have completed your changes to the file AMEN.A, save it <F3>,
and enter the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the
"Set" pulldown menu). You must exit and re-enter the editor for the
new menu definitions to take effect.
18-7 Text Translation
Text Translation allows you to expand abbreviations and correct
commonly misspelled words or typos as you enter characters into the
text of an Edit window. You define the words and substitution text in
a translation table. You can also define macros that are executed
whenever the name of the macro is entered as a word in your text.
Text translation definitions are stored in ATRN.A and are actually
source code written in The Aurora Macro Language. You can edit ATRN.A
by entered the "opena %atrn" <Alt-F5> command. They are compiled and
included into A.X when the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore
Settings" on the "Set" pull-down menu) is entered.
Text translation can be turned ON and OFF for each Edit window via the
"Translate" toggle on the "Set" pull-down menu. When text translation
is ON, a "T" appears on the Edit window status line.
When Text Translation is ON, the editor will automatically check each
"word" you type to see if it exists in a special user-defined
translation lookup table in the file ATRN.A. If the word is found, it
will be replaced with the substitution text that you have defined in
the table. Table lookups are case-sensitive. Consider the following
example of a translation table in ATRN.A:
// translation table object
obj trn (
// word: replace with:
"adn" "and" ,
"teh" "the" ,
"asap" "as soon as possible" ,
"i*" "I" ,
Text Translation 106
Using the sample table above, if you typed "teh" as a word in an Edit
window, it would be replaced immediately with "the". The word "adn"
would be replaced with "and", and the word "asap" would be replaced
with "as soon as possible".
In the examples above, the translations for "teh", "adn", and "asap"
are performed as soon as the last character of the word is entered.
This can be a problem if the word being translated is also found at
the beginning of other words.
To prevent translation from occurring until a word delimiter character
is entered, define the word with the suffix "*". Using the sample
table above, if Text Translation is ON and you enter the word "i", no
translation will occur until you enter a word delimiter character
after "i" (such as a space, a comma, a period, or the <Enter> key).
The translation table can also contain macro language function
definitions. These macros will be called when Text Translation is ON
and the macro name is entered as a word in your text. For example:
// translation table object
obj trn (
fun bip (beep 800 100).
fun bop* (beep 100 100).
Using the sample table above, if Text Translation is ON, and you enter
the word "bip", you'll hear a high beep. If you enter the word "bop"
followed by a space, you'll hear a low beep (for complete
documentation on The Aurora Macro Language, see "The Aurora Macro
Language Guide" in AML.DOC)
The following configuration settings are associated with Text
Translation (see "Configuration Settings" 17-15).
TextTran - text translation ON/OFF default
TranObj - current text translation object
TranCSet - character set defining a word for translation lookup
When you have completed your changes to the file ATRN.A, save it <F3>,
and enter the "setres" <Alt-F2> command ("Restore Settings" on the
"Set" pulldown menu). You must exit and re-enter the editor for the
new translation definitions to take effect.
Command Line Options 107
A-1 Command Line Options
Command Line Options can be specified when loading The Aurora Editor
at the DOS prompt. After the "A" or "A3" command, enter a hyphen (-)
followed by the option and any option parameters. The following
options are available:
c - forces the editor to use color attributes
m - forces the editor to use monochrome attributes
e - executes the macro following the "e" option. The macro is
executed after any text or macro files are loaded (see the -x
option below). For example:
a mydoc.txt -ek_a_e
In the above example, the macro "k_a_e" is executed after
"mydoc.txt" is loaded. If more than one -e option is specified,
only the last specified macro is executed.
x - executes the macro filename following the "x" option (there is
no space between the "x" and the filename). If you specify
multiple "x" options on the same command line, they are executed
in the order they are entered. Note that if the "x" option is
specified, the default macro file A.X is not automatically
executed. For example:
C>a -m -xD:\A.X -xD:\TEST.X DOC1.TXT *.TXT
In the above example, The Aurora Editor is invoked with
monochrome attributes and the macro files D:\A.X and D:\TEST.X
are executed. An Edit window is created for DOC1.TXT and a File
Manager Window is created for *.TXT.
Performance Tips 108
B-1 Performance Tips
The Aurora Editor is high performance software. However, the following
tips may help you get the utmost in performance:
- Use the maximum available conventional memory
Configure DOS so that the maximum amount of "conventional" memory
(below 1 megabyte) is available. This will decrease the likelihood
that the editor will use slower XMS/EMS, or swap to disk.
- Use a Disk Cache Program
Using a disk caching program such as SMARTDRV can greatly increase
overall editor performance. This includes initial loading of the
editor, saving and loading of files, executing DOS programs from
within the editor, and general virtual memory performance when XMS
and EMS are not available.
- Use XMS or EMS memory if available
Using XMS and/or EMS memory can greatly increase performance when
editing large files, and when executing DOS programs from within the
editor (see "Configuration - Memory Options" 17-12). Many users may
find XMS memory easier to use, since an XMS driver is already
installed on many computers (in the form of HIMEM.SYS).
When comparing XMS and EMS performance within The Aurora Editor
(using the QEMM-386 memory manager), XMS is almost twice as fast as
EMS when loading large files. EMS memory is nearly 30% faster than
XMS when searching though large files.
- Turn off "SaveMac" and "SaveHis"
Turning off these two configuration settings can reduce the amount
of time it takes to enter and exit the editor. Note that turning off
"SaveHis" will prevent the editor from remembering window positions
and sizes, cursor positions, etc. across edit sessions.